So, yesterday I was talking to Kellie about teeth and she brought to my attention that maybe I should consider wearing my retainers again after we determinded they are moving a bit. I figure since my parents paid so much to get them straight, and I like them straight, that I should wear my retainer again. So, yeh, I did that last night, and now my teeth are killing me, which just confirms that they have moved. Jeesh, I got my braces off in 1998, ya'd think they'd be good to go. So, I've done a lot since that last time I wrote. Um, I am now under liability to help you if you are among the following: choking, not breathing, lacking a pulse...and such things cuz I got CPR certified for school, not that I would have just stood and stared at you before I took the class. It took forever, but it was good. I dummies were pretty cool. We named our child one lil' Billy. Baby dummy's faces came off and when we were done we toseed them in a bin, so that was morbid, in a face plastic faces in a pile sorta way. Also, I had an enjoyable experience with all my CPR stuff flying off the top of my car (who would put my stuff on the top of my car?? heehee) So, yeh, I was the confused looking girl off the side of the road in the ditch trying to find my breathing mask amongst other things. Don't worry though I found it all. I went to Winona yesterday and brought the remainder of my stuff. It was fun; Kellie and Jill, my super cool cuzzins (Megan you are also cool) came too and it was fun to show them my new place. Casey, one of my room mates was there too and she wanted to show us how the cable thingy in the wall is loose, while showing us the cable thingy proceeded to fall back into the depths of the hole in the wall never to be seen again, so some random guy from the cable company has to come fix it, luckily we dont' have to pay. I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. I guess it was kinda amusing. By the way school books are such a croc, so we're fighting the system and getting them online, muahah.
Oh, I have a thing to say. Ok.....hmmm....lets say to go to Target and you get 7 clothing things to try on, but you get up there and the "rule" is that you can only take 6 in. So, you must leave one item out...try on everything else...then put all your regular clothes back on just to go out and get the single shirt you had to leave out.....well yeh...I was so annoyed by that tonight that I lied and said I had 6 things insted of 7, this is not a big deal but is that not the dumbest rule ever? Who really cares how many you have in there....they dont' even count to see if you come out with the same amount. This is just one example of the stupidy of the human race. Maybe there's a good reason, if you know it, you can tell me, but I'll still think the rule is stupid.
My cuzzin Megan came over a couple days ago and we made cookies, colored, watched the olymics, and such. It's fun when she comes over cuz I don't see her much, yet I see her more when we both leave for school, go figure. Also, she loves to go to London for a month on a moment notice!
My fam. and I went to one of my fav. restaurants tonight...Famous Daves, and usually when I go there I leave feeling like I'm dying cuz I eat too much, but this time I was perfectly find, so I was excited about that. Then me and ma when to Cold Stone which she calls Cold River or Stone River or something because she confuses the name with other clothes shopping I told her she's not allowed to say it anymore cuz she messes it up so bad, heehee, but it's all in good fun, JK momma, love ya dog....oh no you di' don't knnnnoooow me! Also, she cannot say Erberts and Gerberts. She pronounces it "Eeberts and Geeberts, which just make me cringe, heeheeeee. But I'll give her a break cuz she's only been there like twice.
Well I think by now you've stopped reading this cause it got too long, but hey I had a lot of days to make up for. Also, today at work, a box of ranch fell on my head and it hurt...lawsuittttt!!!!!!
And I'd also like to say that Paul Hamm really deserves the gold he got because the guy who claims he should have won cuz they messed up his start value made a mistake on p-bars that was later caught that puts him in 4th place, so he needs to be nice and go home and stop whining, cuz Paully is the winner!!
Have a wonderful day and I probably will be at school the next time I type on here. Bye y'all!