Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Apple computers are wack

Hello, I am sitting here in the critical thinking computer lab in which I work. So it's pretty cool cuz I'm getting paid to sit here write now and write in my blog, which I deserve anyway, being that my writing is so brilliant, I should be paid for my time spent doing it. heehehe, just kiddin obviously. So yeh, it took me since last January to discover that this old computer that I sit by everyday at work has the internet on it....apple computers are so weird, I guess you just have to get used to them. I had my 3rd clinical today. The resident I work with is so cute and today she was way more fun than last week because she had hurt herself and was in pain. But today she was all jolly and gave me homemade pickles, heehee, that her daughter brought her. They were gross, but I ate them anyway, cuz it's not like I could be "No, I dont' want your nasty pickles!" I'm just not a fan of those kinda pickles that taste like cucumbers. So yeh, we mostly just talked because by the time we get there she's up and ready, which is quite a contrast to the first resident I was assigned to. It's kinda funny because she has some memory loss, so she'll tell me the same thing over and over and I have to keep responding as if I never heard her say it before because she's so excited about it. She got new earings that she won and so she kept getting this really excited look on her face and then tell me all about them, heehee, it's fun, I like it there a lot. I also got a hug from one of the old men in the alzheimer's unit. He just kinda walked over and hugged me, they're pretty funny, they sing a lot too. Oh, also, this really cute old man just kinda walked all around today blowing into his harmonica, he played it for us and for the fish in the aquarium, heehee, sorry, I have lots of nursing home stories. I have more but I'll spare you for now. Well that has been my day so far and now I'm here in the empty computer lab thinking about how I should take my homework out.
Have a splendid Tuesday :)

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