Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Oof Dah

Well hello. It's almost 5, I had great plans to be done with a lot by now, but that didn't happen. So, I have been in school now for approx. 2 weeks and it's interesting. One second I am like wow, I can't believe I'm doing this, shoot me now, why did I wanna be a nurse again? But then like 2 seconds later I'm like, man I'm so excited to learn all this and actually get to help people someday. Today in one of my classes the teacher was talking to us as if we were already accomplished nurses fully established in our yeh, we had no clue what she was talking about the whole time. My friend next to me started kinda crying, yeh, that's how fun it was. But I figure, it's just new, so we'll get it eventually, it's just a lot at once. I told her that to try to help, but it didn't help......I suck at caring for people!! I quit now!!! just kidding, she's a worrier. Ok, so I few minutes ago I looked at all I have to read this week and next and forever and I decided here and now that I will become an elementary education teacher like Heather because then I get to read fun books...but then I realized I would have to do parent teacher that won't work. I am so kidding by the way. But seriously this stuff is overwhelming. However, I do know that the first thing I say to a patient is "Hello Mr. (insert name here), I am Brianna. I am a nursing student and I'm here to help care for you today." I dont' think I can say it like that, it sounds fake. I'll be like Heyyyyyyyaaa, wut up, you look sick, sorry, I know nothing....let me get a nurse. hehehe, jk. After class was fun today. I went to the gym so now I feel more alive and awake, then I ate lunch and I felt very domestic because I actually cooked a potato, yep. Alsooooo......I learned that there is a purpose to microwave safe dishes...... well so I learned something. Then I was FORCED to watch Passions with Kelsey....I was like who can watch this, it's so stupid. But it made me laugh a lot. My favorite part was when they got bit by snakes and the evil man had the "antidote" and he chucked it at the groud so they couldn't save themselves, but of course, Mr. whatever does this amazing 5 mile leap and grabs it at the last second to save everyone from snakes. Jeeeesh. Then I finish the second cd of six of the Gilmore Girls first season on DVD. I used to have a bad attitude about this show, you can even ask Cara (megan, that's my FRIEND cara), but now I think it's funny and addicting. Man, I've done so much since I wrote'm in 5 classes all with pretty much the same name....which makes it hard to remember what you are doing and where, but I'll get the hang of it. There are 60 of us nursing students and my group of 10 goes to Wabasha for clinicals in a few weeks, which I think is very random. Turns out they are thinking they'll never actually have 10 patients at one time, so our group has to split up...hmmm... But it's been good here so far. I like my roomies and we have fun. The highlight of my week is that I'm getting my brakes put in on my bike, thanks to Ma and Pa, no more foot dragging, yay. MMMmkay, I am now going to go read, I really will. I hope you all have a good day and your in my thoughts and prayers! adios.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Ok it is slightly fun reading something besides text books but knowing that i have to read 14 novels, 10 short stories and a billion poems by the end of the semester makes me want to cry.