Friday, October 08, 2004

My liver is cold

Last time I attempted to update this, it got deleted, so I have not done it for awhile cuz it angrified me. Brr, it's really cold where I am...where am I you ask, well...I am in the area by the Smoug in Kryzco, hahah that makes no sense to you unless you go to WSU, sorry. But yeh, I am here and I'm cold and drinking pop. I hate to fill this all with school info. but that is a huge chunk of my life so here ya go. This has been a crazy week for school, I studied basically all last weekend and all this week for 2 different tests. I did not sleep on basically Tuesday and Wednesday turned into one long day. Have you ever not slept before? It's the weirdest thing...but it had to be done if I wanted to do well, and somehow it turned out that I did do well, so it was worth it. I did good on both my tests, but kinda bad on a quiz, but that's ok. This week in skills lab we did urine samples (on ourselves) hehehe, throat cultures on each other, and took each other's blood sugar. I'd actually done the blood sugar before, but not on someone else. It's fun though. Laci said I did an excellent job throat culturing here, heehee, and I have no prob. with people doing it to me because I have excellent control of my gag reflex, hahah, you are so not interested in this, hehehe. But I owe that to my mom who always taught us how to not be a wussy with the whole throat culture deal. Wow, I think I devoted too many sentences to that. MUAHAH. Also, my blood glucose is fine, in case anyone was worried. Then in assessment lab we did abdomen things and once again I had a major laughing problem, seriously I cannot help it, but when you laugh your stomach muscles get tight, so poor Laci can't do what we're supposed to do because I'm a laugher, it tickles!!!!!!! man. So yeh, we felt for each other's livers and what not, my liver is appox. 6 inches, funfun. I hope my weird constant mentioning of the human body does not freak you out, it's just what interests me, so that's what you get to here about, HAHAMAUAHAHHAHAHA. Hmm...I get to go home this weekend. I am so excited; I have not been home since Aug. my house that is. That's like a month and 10 days. That's a record. Tuition is due today, I am lucky this semseter cuz papa and ma are paying my part, I'll owe them later though. Hmm....what else do I have to say???? Heather and I couldn't sleep last night after awhile so she read me a children's book she has for her class while I colored, how fun! She shall be an excellent teacher. We are going to work in the same towns and go out for coffee on our lunch breaks, ehehheheheeheheh, actually I don't like coffee, but it'd be fun. I went to Megan's play, she did a good job, even though she had to be a "hussy", however, I did not like the parts where she dies, it was too real looking! But good job Megan, you die well. Well I am stugging for things to say for I think I will go and run a few laps around the building to warm up, just kidding. Have a scrumtrilescent day (ask brice or gavin what that means) and I shall see you later! Sincerely, Brianna


granny said...

brianna i'm so glad u finally writ sonething. i was worried that u took a powder.
see ya this weekend.

Brianna said...

Grandma...what does "a powder" mean?

Heather said...

Who knows Brianna..we might start liking coffee someday. It might not happen until we are like 60 years old but i would be more than happy to go out forcoffee with you then!! :) Oh and i have decided that Nurse Brianna is going to come visit my classroom!! hehehe!