Thursday, October 14, 2004

Wow. all I can say is wow.

Ok, so now it works after it already told me it wouldn't. This whole blogging system is a little shifty if you ask me, they need to work out the little kinks in their system. Clearly they need better management. Yeh I don't know what I'm talking about, but hey I'm happy now cuz it worked. And check it ouuuuttt, four blogs in one day. yipyip.
PS: Today in lab I got to put eyedrops in a dummy and the dummy has a permanent grin on it's face and it's not really a normal kinda grin, it's a "i'm a psycho killer evil kinda grin" so yes, even though he's not alive, I don't like to be that close to his scary smile. eeeee. heheheh. I think when they manufacter the dummies, they should consider just making them look more normal, minus the serial killer look.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I loled at the dummy thing. Wouldnt it be fun to have a permanent smile on your face? hehe. I also had the same error message come up on my blog and i was like nooooo.. cause i just wrote a long one. but thankfully it worked. silly blogging system.