Saturday, August 21, 2004

Not a huge fan of the word blog, but by the looks of it I have one anyway

Hi, some people have these dealies so I thought to myself....I should too just for fun and what not. This way if anyone happens to want to know what I am doing, even if it is just trival everydayness, I figure now they can know. Usually I would just tell you person to person the exciting stories of my day, but I'm leaving the 29th for skooo, so this way I can type to you all.
Maybe it will be more fun for me to type than for you to read, but that's ok, cuz I need more opportunies like this to distract myself from studying. But for those of you who don't know....I'm just going to be starting my junior year at WSU and will be in the nursing program learning to feed jello to people who are otherwise unable to do so. JUST PLAYIN', whooot whoot. I get white scrubs, and all I can think of is how well blood would show up on that, so why make them white....seriously. Okay, I'll keep this first one short, but here's a fun fact....I just asked my brother to go get me advil, and he brought down two advils on a little fancy plate with a little shot glass of water with one ice cube and a little apple slice on the cute is that....points for you Brice, you have truly outdone yourself. (GOULET!!)

Love to y'all. Thank you and goodnight! :)


Heather said...

Your welcome and good afternoon!

Megan said...

You smell like fishes that have been rotting in the creek for at least a year. And that's not even that long. NO NO NO..i'm kidding. I love you cuzzin. KISSHUG!