Friday, January 11, 2008

Look Ma!

Last night Mom taught me how to crochet. Below is my first attempt. I realized when I was done that I was missing the last loop of every row and making a few other mistakes which led to this "triangle" shape which was supposed to be a sqaure, oops....

Then, last night when I got home I found my needle and some thread and I started a new one to show mom my skillz. I ran outta thread, but here's as far as I got. It's still a bit misshapen, but it's better! Look ma!

So, now I'm kinda addicted. I wanna figure out if I'm doing something wrong to make the edges all uneven, but maybe soon I'll get good at it! Fun fun.


Heather said...

Looking good Brianna, you can use those as hot pads. I learned how to do that over the summer and I'm really good at making straight lines! hehe. I expect you'll be making me a sweater soon!

Brianna said...

you got it hut, one lime green sweater comin' up

Jackie said...

Nice lil' one. It looks like your doing more than a half double crochet...otherwise it looks 100 % better than that first
piece of C--p.

Brianna said...

yeh, something's wrong with it, I need your help!

Cindy's Closet said...

Fun! I wish I had the time to do that again...:( Maybe someday. have fun!