Name on birth certificate: Brie
Birthdate! : January 31, 1984
Nicknames:Brie, butthead, briemarie, brianna sue, various things
Star sign: big dipper
School: I dont' like it
Email address: too personal
Color of eyes: brown
Hair color: brown
Shoe size: 12
Brothers/Sisters: Brice and Gavin
Missed school because it was raining: I never go to school when it's raining, it's too dangerous, I could get wet or slip on the grass.
Put a body part on fire for amusement: no, but the boys in my industrial tech class in middle school like to put hot glue guns on themselves to make blisters....
Been in a car accident: no
Been hurt emotionally. no, oh wait, I am a human, yeh I have.
Kept a secret from everyone: yes, all of you, muahahhaha, you dont know me.
Had an imaginary friend: Ben, he lives in Heather's closet, although I'm not sure if he's a friend, he's a little shifty
Cried during a movie: Yes, but it's pretty rare. The movie that always makes me cry is Stepmom.
Ever thought an animated character was hot: hmm...I don't think so. (I know who Max Steele is Cara, cuz I remember your doll in your room, heehee)
Favorite Shampoo: Mmm...doesn't matter, right now I have the Aussie brand, inspired by Heather
Favorite color: oh I usually say blue, but it's hard to pick cuz I also like yellow, green, pink, red, and purple, haha.
Summer/Winter: Summer
Favorite Drink: Diet Coke
Song: Oh man, I like to many to pick, I'm pretty sure I say a differnt thing everytime I get this question. Today, I think I'll go with Revolutionary Love by David Crowder cuz I keep listening to it over and over.
Ice Cream: the brown kind
Subject: sheesh, I have all nurisng classes, so, outta all them that I have right now I'd say Emerging Health Care is my favorite subject because it's all about learning about our health care system, so its all new, interesting info, a nice change from nursing care stuff. But over my entire academic career, I'd say Geometry in 10th grade, Algebra II in 11th grade, World Affairs in 11th grade, and my Anatomy & Physiology and Pathophysiology classes in college have been the coolest.
Person(s): Haha, my favorite person? That's a funny question. I'm going with me, I love me, I'm the coolest, I wanna be just like me. I hope you're picking up the sarcasm. I think my favorite people know who they are : )
Girls name: yo mamma
Boys name: a bunch, they're all a secret.
TV show: Gilmore Girls, ER, Discovery Health Channel: Mystery Diagnosis, Plastic Surgery before and after, etc., Made (I always get addicted to it once I start watching it), Full House, Boy Meets World (the older years preferably)
Wearing: Khaki pants and a white/pink/brown/tan/yellowish stiped button down shirt
I'm feeling: whatev.Eating:chewing gum from Sooi
Drinking: nothing, but I wish I had fountain pop right now
Talking to: I just announced to everyone in the computer lab (i'm at work) how to avoid jamming the priniter because they keep jamming it and I have to keep fixing it
Listening to: kids taking their computer tests... "click, click, cough, click click"
Cried: no
Met someone new: yes, one of the massage therapists from WSU, I had to interview her this morning
Cleaned your room: yesterday I vacuumed and picked up!
Drove a car: Yes, I just did, to the interview, which was at a little coffee place.
Yourself: Um..I don't really know what that means, but I give credit to God for anything good in myself, so I would re-phase it as I believe in the power of God in myself, but not in myself alone.
Santa claus: I realized when I was 7 that there was no Santa cuz mom never sent our letters to him. I was not sad though.
Tooth Fairy: no
Ghosts: no
Angels: no doubt
UFO's: yes, I have one too! jk
Do you have a soul mate: I've never really thought about what a soul mate is, hmm...a mate for your soul.....heehee. I know without a doubt that Chris and I were made to be together because that was God's plan, so that's my answer.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no, but I got a fiance, heehee
Do you like anyone?: yeh, heehee, a lil' more than like though : )
Who have you known the longest?: My family, obviously, but other than that, the person I've known the longest and stayed close with is Cara
Who's the weirdest: prob Cara! but i love her!
Who's the shyest?: mmm, no one
Who has seen you cry: when I almost died skiing, my family saw me cry, haha, that experience instantly came to mind. I really don't cry much, and usually not in front of people.
What is the best feeling in the world: Someone tickling my feet, playing with my hair, back massage, that kind of stuff and 100 other things
Worst Feeling: guilt, nervousness
Silver or gold: gold
Diamond or pearl: diamonds, but I have a new-found interest in pearls
Sunset or sunrise: Well, they're both pretty, but I think sun-set, because I'm more likely to be awake for it and sometimes the sky gets all multicolored and it's so cool
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: no
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: my doll and blanket, but no animals.
Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone: neva'
Do you have any piercings: no
Rain, sun, or snow: Rain, nothing but rain, all day, everyday, I love it. ahhahhmauahahaha.
How is the weather right now: Holy crapola, it's frozen tundra out there.
Do you like cookies: uh, I dunno, I've never had one. I only eat organic foods from the earth, like dirt for instance.
What makes you happy: Well, all the wonderful people I know, like Chris, my fam, my friends, having no homework, yummy food, watching movies, rainbows, pretty things outside, like the ocean, winning the lottery, just kiddin. And obviously, God.
Are you too shy to ask someone out: I have never and I will never. I haven't because I would rather the guy ask me and I won't now because I'm marrying the one I love!
What's the stupidest thing you have ever done: Hmm...I do a lot of stupid things, like forget my car at school and get ticket for it, rarrrr. Um, I dunno, I'm sure Heather can think of somethings, or maybe Cara, I dunno, ask them.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Essay Assignment: What I Did Over Thanksgiving Break
My Thanksgiving Break:
This was my first full day home and it was also Mom's birthday!!! Her and I hung out during the day and shopped around. She dropped me off at RCTC where Chris was and he and I went shoppin' a bit. Later my family of five went to the Holiday Inn to eat. My mom got a free meal because it was her birthday, yip yip. Then we got home and took pictures of ourselves and laughed really hard. I love when I'm with my whole family : ) Then we brought down Mom's cake and sang to her and gave her presents. Happy Late Birthday Mom! Love ya.
On Thanksgiving, we all went over to Gran E.'s house. Chris got to come, so that was lovely! We had lots of fun, hanging with the family. A total of 22 people were there I believe, but no cousin Megan, cuz she's still in London, we missed YOU! The food was awesome, thanks to Gran and the others that contribute (i.e. Cindy's wonderful corn bread thing that I love!). Also, Chris had lefse for the first time, so that was fun, we always have it at Gran's for Thanksgiving and Christmas because my grandpa is Norwegian, hence, we are all Norwegian. We played games, did puzzles, played with the little cousins, and such things. Later, I got to go with Chris and meet his aunt, two cousins, and a one-year-old second cousin, all very nice people! So, that was cool. Then Chris and I drove over to my aunt Julie's house where my dad's whole side of the family was located. We had more food, Grandma H's pudding pie, whoot whoot and banana bread. The guys all watched a movie and us girls hung out up stairs. It was a very lovely Thanksgiving!
Here is a nonexclusive list of the things/people I am thankful for!!!!
The living God, his son, and his spirit
America: the land of the free where I am privileged to reside
Christopher Adam Lewis
Gavin Chandler
Cara Marie
Heather Jojo Tlougan
Casey Bish
Kelsey Gordon Chesney :)
All my other friends! (you could see how this list could get too long)
My wonderful family which includes Grandpas, Grandma's, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on
Mashed potatoes, Mexican food (Chula), Culver's, Chili, etc.
Mostly just how lucky I am to live where I live, and to have been born to two amazing parents who have given me the life I have and shared with me who God is and shown me his love.
Mom and I went shopping a little and I got chili from Wendy's which was a highlight, heehee, YUM. I finished one of my papers and hmm...I think that was the day I went to Harry Potter with Brice and Gavin. It was my second time seeing it and it was just as delightful.
I was gonna do homework, but didn't. Dad and I walked to Carlos O' Kelleys and it was yummy. The walk was not bad at all, I thought it would take forever, but it didn't. We decided we burnt off the calories in the salsa we ate, heehee. Um, I saw Chris for a while before he had to work, then my mom and I met with the guy who might do my wedding pictures. Then mom made us spaghetti which was very good. Then Cara came over and we went to Culver's for some custard. Brita called while we were there so we had her come on over. Chris went on break when Brita came, so the four of us got to sit together, nice timing. I got chocolate custard with strawberries and hot fudge, mmmm, Chris made it for me and he did good. Brita and I hung out at my house after that and it was so nice to see her! We played Catch Phrase with my whole family and Jenny and then we drew with white out on a peanut jar and a magazine, it was fun.
I went to church, it was fine and dandy. Then we all went to the mall. I sat near Kellie, Jill, Jenny, and Katie and had fun talking to them. Then we went to Claires and I got two pairs of fake earrings and Katie got one. It was buy two get one free. Technically, I got the free pair, so in retrospect, I realized I used Katie to get a free pair, hahah. I didn't try to, but I'm pretty sure that's how it worked out, but Katie is so nice and sweet that she said she doesn't think I used her, haha. For those of you who don't know, Katie is my cousin Ryan's girlfriend : ) She is a lovely girl :) Also, I totally faked out several people with my earrings, however, the best reaction was Cara's, haha, you shudda seen it, let me tell ya. Later on we decorated the tree with the Amy Grant Christmas cd playing in the backgroud (tradition) and it was my turn to put the star on the tree! I also broke my favorite ornament, tear. There's a picture of it on mom's blog, sadness. Then Chris and I went to Carlos O' Kelleys and it was still good. He'd never been there, I think he liked it, but we were like, "WHOA!" when we saw his food. The burrito was like a foot long. Then I pretty much came back to winona and decorated with my Christmas stuff. I was bad and stayed up till 1:30 watching a Discovery Health Channel show I taped last week entitled "Mermaid baby" it was very interesting. The baby's legs and feet and kinda stuck together, hence the mermaid look.
Today is Monday and I'm at work. People are turning in tests left and right. I've been writing this blog for like an hour because about every 20 seconds, someone is turning in a test. I have a meeting with my mental health client's case manager at 2:30, then I should do some homework! Fun! Then I have a night class and should do homework again. This is a very busy week, next week is still busy, and then the following week (the 12th) I have one last final and I'm done. So, in conclusion, I have a lot left to do, but only two weeks left, yay!!! Now I just have to use my time wisely and I should be good to go! I also probably have to go discuss/argue a test grade with a teacher, ooo, I hate doing that. But hey, I gotta. I really need to go to kickboxing tonight. Should I, hmmm....I don't wanna, but I should, blahhhhh.
MMMkay, I am going to put in some pictures now from over the break! Have a wonderful week everyone, it's almost December! Whoa!
Chris and Brianna
Mom, Dad, Brice, Gavin, and I
My 3-year-old cousins: Grant and Jensen
Sam, Chris, me, Gavin, Jensen, and Alex,
eating up the turkey.
My brothers and I, aren't we just lovely?
Cara and I
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Oh, l'm like totallly, like still in, like the study lounge
Within a 1/2 hour of being in the study lounge today (Sunday) the three girls walked by. I didn't look up at first, but then I heard someone say, "She's in there again", so I looked up and sure enough, it was the three girls, going down the steps. I wanna walk by them and say, "You don't knnooowwwww me". (refer to blog entry below this one if you don't know what I'm talking about)
Today I am studying diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys as well as neurological disorders, oof dah. Tomorrow, after I take this test, I will have to immediately start studying for my last mental health test which is on Tuesday. I calculated that I only need to get 28 outta 40 to have an A in the class, so no problem. On Tuesday I also meet with my Kellogg client. After all that stuff I get to go home!!!!
I never mentioned that a great deal of yesterday was spent OUTSIDE of the study lounge. Christoper, my wonderful fiance, came over to visit me. He came at about 10:15 and had a pop for me in his hand, yum yum, he read my mind. Then we hung around and watched discovery health channel. I was impressed that he actually watched it, and I told him that, and he said it's not like he's watching it because he loves it, like I do, it's more like it's interesting but he's thinking, "why am I watching this?" hehehe. Then Chris bought me lunch at Chula Vista, mmm mmm, I haven't been there in for-ev-er. Thanks Chris!!! He had to leave at about 3 to go to work, so that was when my study lounging started. I had lots of fun having Chris as my only company of the day. Besides Chris, I only talked to two other humans on Saturday: the Walmart check out lady and Kellie on the phone, heehee, my roomies are gone! Also, Chris got an A on his math test, I'm so excited for him and so proud! Yip yip! What a smarty pants.
Well, I think I shall start learning about kidney disorders now, they are my favorite organ, so I guess this will be super fun!! hahah, or not.
Oh my goodness, this morning, on discovery health, I saw a show about how things can go wrong with twins before they're born. One thing that can happen is while they are being formed, one twin can get inside the other. So one baby grows normally, but with it's twin inside of it, and that twin will not continue to grow, it will just stay alive by means of the normal baby. So when the normal baby is born, they have to open it up and take out the little deformed twin. It was acutally very disturbing. Good think I told ya then huh? haha.
MMMkay, I'm sure I'll write later or tomorrow, or something. Bye!!! xoxoxo
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Come, one and all........
I get a kick out of this so I thought I'd share it. Ok, I have a lot to do, every day, so I come into the study lounge, because it's a good quiet place (usually) where I get a whole table to myself to spread everything out. It's also very close to my apartment room, so I can easily leave often to go to the bathroom, get pop, talk to my roomates, etc. There are these three girls who come in here once in a while and they're very loud. They don't really do homework, they just giggle, which is fine, I just wish they didn't do it in here, cuz it's my only quiet place! Anyhoo, from where the study lounge is positioned, I can see people doing up and down the stairs, and those people always look into the study lounge as they pass, especially those three girls, it's like whatever/whoever is in the study lounge is of great interest to them. They've gone by several times tonight and have looked in. I feel like waving frantically or doing some kind of cool trick, like a back flip, so they have an actual reason to posess such a great interest in peering in at me.
So, getting to my point, the three girls just walked by, again, and, forgetting that a thin piece of glass and single door doesn't completely drown out sound, one girl proceeds to shout to the other two, "Oh my gosh, that girl is still in there!!!" Referring to me of course. Hahah, I loled. I think it's funny that they notice. I am the...drum roll please.....
A sign should be placed outside the study lounge door:
"Peer in to view the study lounge girl, only 5 cents per look."
Before I know it they'll be talking about me in the Winonan (school newspaper).
"Have you heard about the girl who studies all day, everyday, in the same exact room in East Lake. Go there, second floor, walk up the steps, look in, and repeat, over and over and over, everytime you look, I guarantee, she'll be there...facinating....simply facinating. Word has it, she's in the nursing program."
Haahhaha, funny, all three girls just walked back down the steps, one after the other and each turned their head, a perfect 90 degrees, to look directly at me as they passed. I smiled at them.
Oh dear, well, I needed a study break. So, I guess I will go back to that studying now, after all, I am "study lounge girl", I have to keep up my rep.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Brie: Look at the tower I made out of our dishes
Casey: It's pretty, with all the colors
Brie: I should take a picture
Casey: You should
Brie: Should I really?
Casey: Yeh!
Brie: (proceeds to take picture) hahah, I should put it on my blog.
Casey: Do it
Brie: Haha, I think I will.
And there you have it folks.
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
I went to a concert
Greetings from Winona, MN, area code 55987.
Hi, my name is Brianna and this is my online blog, you think you know, but you have no idea.
Haha. Well I cannot seem to remember the last time I updated, so I will start with this past weekend. I went home for a night. I saw my whole fam. and Christopher too! I went to my Grandma E.'s b-day party and it was fun-o-licious. Then I cannot remember what else I did, I probably just studied or something.
Then, on Tuesday, Christopher came and we drove to Bethel University in St. Paul to see my dear friend Cara. It took an hour longer than we thought and I forgot my mobile telephone so Cara thought we were dead. The plan was to get to Bethel, call Cara, and she would tell us where she lived. However, the plan turned into me shouting at strangers on campus, "Do you guys know Cara Dietzman?" Finally, one nice boy said, "yes!" So, I asked if he knew where she lives, and he did, and he brought us straight to her door! Thank you un-named boy. So, Cara saw that we were in fact alive and gave us a tour of her living quarters, which was quite nice. Then she took us to a cool place with Subs, but more original than like Subway for instance. Mine was very yummy and Chris bought us cheese bread too, mmm mmm. I got to keep the plastic cup, so that was cool, souvenir!!! Then she directed us to Northwestern College, where the concert was located, thanks Cara!!!
We arrived a little late, but not to worry, we only missed part of the first band, Robbie something, but what we did catch of them was very good. We then bought matching David Crowder shirts, fun! Next came Shane and Shane, who I love! They were awesome. Then came the David Crowder Band. That is one original man. He's very talanted, funny, and loves the Lord, so it was like a big singing worship service, whoot! They sounded identical to, but better than the cd. It was very fun, I wanna do it again. Then we left.
It took a long time to get home. We did this cool trick where we started in St. Paul, went through Minneapolis, and were back in St. Paul again! How cool is that, I bet you wanna know how we did it so you can do it too huh? Well, too bad, I have no idea what we did. Heehee. I drove part of the way home and that was ok, but I got a little sleepy until I started jammin' out to the radio while Chris was in and out of sleep :) At one point, a deer was staring at me from the side of the road. I did not like him; I thought he was going to jump out at me. Also, the snow coming at me head on was a strange phenomenon which I can't really explain. All I can say is that my eyes were getting weirded out and I felt like I was in outer space traveling at warp speed with stars shooting by me. It is hard to drive like this.
Finally we got home and due to the late hour, Chris took a 5 hour nap on the couch. We went to breakfast at McDonalds at 7:20ish which was soooo yummy, mmm, breakfast burritos, mmmm, thanks Chris :) Then, I got to go back to bed for three hours which was delightful. Then I picked up my mental health client and headed off to the mental health party held for all us students and our clients. The food was gooood. My client gave me a good-bye present of banana bread, a cd he made for me of the Pussycat Dolls (very random), and a Christmas card. I thought that was all very thoughtful. I will never listen to the cd (their main song goes somethings like this: "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me") but it's the thought that counts.
Since then I've been studying and will continue to study until I have learned all 8 chapters that my test is on tomorrow morning.
If all goes as planned, tomorrow I get to do two super fun things with Heather (Casey, you're welcome of course, if you will be here???!!!) One is Breathe at 9pm and the other is.....drum roll.....dramatic pause.....cymbol crash.......drum roll again.......crescendo of strings.........bass drum crash........THE HARRY POTTER IV MOVIE!!! Oh I'm so excited. The fourth was my fav. book, so this is bound to be my favorite movie.
I would also like to say, that I have been here at work since 11 and I have helped three different people, like actually taught them something. I like when we get to the section they're on now, because I understand it, unlike the previous two sections. So yeh, today I feel like I'm doing my job.
Okay, I will leave you with some pictures. I forgot my camera for the concert, but I'm actually glad I didn't have it to distract me, so I will put up some I found thanks to google images.
Adios friends. Peace out. See ya later.
Shane and Shane
Hi, my name is Brianna and this is my online blog, you think you know, but you have no idea.
Haha. Well I cannot seem to remember the last time I updated, so I will start with this past weekend. I went home for a night. I saw my whole fam. and Christopher too! I went to my Grandma E.'s b-day party and it was fun-o-licious. Then I cannot remember what else I did, I probably just studied or something.
Then, on Tuesday, Christopher came and we drove to Bethel University in St. Paul to see my dear friend Cara. It took an hour longer than we thought and I forgot my mobile telephone so Cara thought we were dead. The plan was to get to Bethel, call Cara, and she would tell us where she lived. However, the plan turned into me shouting at strangers on campus, "Do you guys know Cara Dietzman?" Finally, one nice boy said, "yes!" So, I asked if he knew where she lives, and he did, and he brought us straight to her door! Thank you un-named boy. So, Cara saw that we were in fact alive and gave us a tour of her living quarters, which was quite nice. Then she took us to a cool place with Subs, but more original than like Subway for instance. Mine was very yummy and Chris bought us cheese bread too, mmm mmm. I got to keep the plastic cup, so that was cool, souvenir!!! Then she directed us to Northwestern College, where the concert was located, thanks Cara!!!
We arrived a little late, but not to worry, we only missed part of the first band, Robbie something, but what we did catch of them was very good. We then bought matching David Crowder shirts, fun! Next came Shane and Shane, who I love! They were awesome. Then came the David Crowder Band. That is one original man. He's very talanted, funny, and loves the Lord, so it was like a big singing worship service, whoot! They sounded identical to, but better than the cd. It was very fun, I wanna do it again. Then we left.
It took a long time to get home. We did this cool trick where we started in St. Paul, went through Minneapolis, and were back in St. Paul again! How cool is that, I bet you wanna know how we did it so you can do it too huh? Well, too bad, I have no idea what we did. Heehee. I drove part of the way home and that was ok, but I got a little sleepy until I started jammin' out to the radio while Chris was in and out of sleep :) At one point, a deer was staring at me from the side of the road. I did not like him; I thought he was going to jump out at me. Also, the snow coming at me head on was a strange phenomenon which I can't really explain. All I can say is that my eyes were getting weirded out and I felt like I was in outer space traveling at warp speed with stars shooting by me. It is hard to drive like this.
Finally we got home and due to the late hour, Chris took a 5 hour nap on the couch. We went to breakfast at McDonalds at 7:20ish which was soooo yummy, mmm, breakfast burritos, mmmm, thanks Chris :) Then, I got to go back to bed for three hours which was delightful. Then I picked up my mental health client and headed off to the mental health party held for all us students and our clients. The food was gooood. My client gave me a good-bye present of banana bread, a cd he made for me of the Pussycat Dolls (very random), and a Christmas card. I thought that was all very thoughtful. I will never listen to the cd (their main song goes somethings like this: "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me") but it's the thought that counts.
Since then I've been studying and will continue to study until I have learned all 8 chapters that my test is on tomorrow morning.
If all goes as planned, tomorrow I get to do two super fun things with Heather (Casey, you're welcome of course, if you will be here???!!!) One is Breathe at 9pm and the other is.....drum roll.....dramatic pause.....cymbol crash.......drum roll again.......crescendo of strings.........bass drum crash........THE HARRY POTTER IV MOVIE!!! Oh I'm so excited. The fourth was my fav. book, so this is bound to be my favorite movie.
I would also like to say, that I have been here at work since 11 and I have helped three different people, like actually taught them something. I like when we get to the section they're on now, because I understand it, unlike the previous two sections. So yeh, today I feel like I'm doing my job.
Okay, I will leave you with some pictures. I forgot my camera for the concert, but I'm actually glad I didn't have it to distract me, so I will put up some I found thanks to google images.
Adios friends. Peace out. See ya later.
David Crowder and band
Shane and Shane
Monday, November 14, 2005
Things about me
I thought this survey was pretty original, so here ya go....
2 names you go by:
1. Brianna
2. Brie
2 parts of your heritage:
1. Norweigan
2. Scottish
2 things that scare you:
1. Bugs going into my ear
2. Flies anywhere near me, ahh
2 of your everyday essentials:
1. God
2. My planner, I could function without it, but it's my means for organization.
2 things you are wearing right now:
1. An Old Navy fleece thing I've had since 9th grade
2. My pink watch from Mom :)
2 of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment):
1. Shane and Shane
2. Newsboys
2 favorite songs (at the moment):
1. Prescence (Newsboys)
2. Yearn (Shane and Shane)
2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love):
1. The experience of sharing my whole life with someone else who wants to be a part of it.
2. Happiness/fun/laughter
2 truths:
1. God is so very real
2. Everything happens according to God's plan, whether it seems good or bad.
2 physical things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex):
I'm thinking about Chris here :)
1. Smile
2. Eyes
2 of your favorite hobbies:
1. Scrapbooking
2. Making cookies
2 things you want really badly:
1. To have God look down on me and say, finally, you are saying "yes" to me in all you do.
2. For my family/friends who don't know God as their personal savior to know Him and for abortion to be completely illegal in all forms.
2 places you want to go on vacation:
1. London
2. Anywhere tropical
(3. Also to Guatemala/Ghana, cuz that's where my sponsored children live)
2 things you want to do before you die:
1. Reach more people for Christ
2. Have babies :)
2 ways that you are stereotypically a dude/chick:
1. I like playing with my hair and painting my toe nails :)
2. I like girl movies/shows (but then again, there are guys that do too)
2 things you are thinking about right now:
1. The new Gilmore Girls on Tuesday
2. How much I'm looking forward to Chris and I being parents some day
2 stores you shop at:
1. Target/Wally: random things/groceries
2. Old Navy/Maurices: clothes
I must give Kelli W. credit for this survey since I got if off her page : )
Also, you should all do this survey and put it in your blog/email it cuz it's fun : )
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Last weekend was pretty sweet. I did homwork and things and then Chris was here for all of Sunday which was awesome cuz I love to be with him the whole day. We had a picnic like thing in my living room with bread from Erb's, yum, then we went to Chicken Little, which I highly recommend, I loled a lot : ) and we also ate at Acoustic, which was yummy as well. This week has been busy of course. I cannot wait for Christmas break. I have a test every week at least, projects, group stuff, so yeh, it's just packed full. I wanna lay around and watch tv, hahah, but I can't. I have to study all night tonight too, man! First though I have to go to Wabasha to go along with a public health nurse to a baby visit, cute! I get to see a baby, fun. Today was my last meeting with my mental health client. We're having a party for all the mental health clients next week, so I'll see him again, but it's somewhat sad. I shall miss him. We went to Hy-vee and ate all you can eat buffets, whoot whoot. Well, this is short cuz I gotta get goin, but there's a quick little run down of the week and I missed tons of stuff, but there ya go! I wanna put some pictures in too, but I shall later. A'ight, I hope you're all having a good day!
Last weekend was pretty sweet. I did homwork and things and then Chris was here for all of Sunday which was awesome cuz I love to be with him the whole day. We had a picnic like thing in my living room with bread from Erb's, yum, then we went to Chicken Little, which I highly recommend, I loled a lot : ) and we also ate at Acoustic, which was yummy as well. This week has been busy of course. I cannot wait for Christmas break. I have a test every week at least, projects, group stuff, so yeh, it's just packed full. I wanna lay around and watch tv, hahah, but I can't. I have to study all night tonight too, man! First though I have to go to Wabasha to go along with a public health nurse to a baby visit, cute! I get to see a baby, fun. Today was my last meeting with my mental health client. We're having a party for all the mental health clients next week, so I'll see him again, but it's somewhat sad. I shall miss him. We went to Hy-vee and ate all you can eat buffets, whoot whoot. Well, this is short cuz I gotta get goin, but there's a quick little run down of the week and I missed tons of stuff, but there ya go! I wanna put some pictures in too, but I shall later. A'ight, I hope you're all having a good day!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Lord Reign in Me
Thank you God for your grace and mercy and ever constant prescene. You give peace to my overwhelmed head : )
I love this song from the Newboys, who have a wonderful way of singing about the amazingness of God. I love the line that says, "When the ground beneath us trembles, Your foundation never moves" Lord, I can't even express my gratitude for what that means to me. My debt to You is so huge, yet You are unchanging and You are my strong tower.
Stong Tower-Newsboys
Strong and mighty
Strong to save us
Like a fortress
Never failing
Strong in battle
Strong in kindness
When we stray, Lord
You're strong to find us
When the winds come hard against us
You are steadfast,
You are true
When the ground beneath us trembles
Your foundation never moves
Strong tower
High and glorious
Strong tower
Mighty in love
Our refuge
Our defender
Strong tower
Lord above
Strong to lead us
Through the shadows
Strong to carry
All our sorrows
When the enemy surrounds us
Closing in as darkness falls
Though his armies rage against us
They can never scale these walls
I love this song from the Newboys, who have a wonderful way of singing about the amazingness of God. I love the line that says, "When the ground beneath us trembles, Your foundation never moves" Lord, I can't even express my gratitude for what that means to me. My debt to You is so huge, yet You are unchanging and You are my strong tower.
Stong Tower-Newsboys
Strong and mighty
Strong to save us
Like a fortress
Never failing
Strong in battle
Strong in kindness
When we stray, Lord
You're strong to find us
When the winds come hard against us
You are steadfast,
You are true
When the ground beneath us trembles
Your foundation never moves
Strong tower
High and glorious
Strong tower
Mighty in love
Our refuge
Our defender
Strong tower
Lord above
Strong to lead us
Through the shadows
Strong to carry
All our sorrows
When the enemy surrounds us
Closing in as darkness falls
Though his armies rage against us
They can never scale these walls
Saturday, November 05, 2005
My Fellow Minnesotans.......
I found some fun facts today about MN while on a county board website (for a homework assignment) and I didn't know any of these and some make me laugh, so here ya go, MN facts.
MN state muffin: blueberry
MN state butterfly: monarch
MN state tree: red pine
MN state song: Hail Minnesota
MN state fish: walleye
MN state mushroom: morel
MN state photogragh: "Grace" (1918) (who know we had a state photogragh??)
MN state drink: milk (heehee)
MN state grain: wild rice
MN state gemstone: Lake Superior agate
MN state muffin: blueberry
MN state butterfly: monarch
MN state tree: red pine
MN state song: Hail Minnesota
MN state fish: walleye
MN state mushroom: morel
MN state photogragh: "Grace" (1918) (who know we had a state photogragh??)
MN state drink: milk (heehee)
MN state grain: wild rice
MN state gemstone: Lake Superior agate
Friday, November 04, 2005
Oh wow, I am so excited. I have been playing the game minesweeper on my computer since we first got a computer when I was in middle school. I got good at it when I was younger because along with solitare, it was about the most fun thing I could do on the computer. Anyways, there are three levels and I've never passed the "expert" level because it requires a lot of time and concentration and my eyes start getting fuzzy and I can't see the boxes anymore. However, tonight, while taking a studying break I was very determined to pass it, and I did! It took me about 9 1/2 minutes. I just had to share that with the world. I passed the expert level of minesweeper and it only took me about 8 years to do it. WHOOT!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
You're dying to know about my day aren't you?
It's about 9:00 and I have so much left to study tonight and tomorrow, oof-dah. Can I do it? I don't know. Since I am already lacking in time to do what I need to do, I thought I'd make it more challenging by wasting some of the time I do have by updating my blog.
Yesterday I went to Kellogg/Wabasha and vistied my community health care client. It was great fun. He invited me for lunch at the "legion" in two weeks, so that should be neato. I then proceeded to follow one of the public health nurses around for the day to see what her job is like, I couldn't stay awake, it was horrible, but it was cool to she what she does. Luckily I don't think she or the clients noticed I was sleeping while sitting up, at least I hope not.
Today I met with my mental health client in Winona. We went on a short walk (because long ones tire him out, jeesh, that's the point, and he's a young guy too) and then he wanted to make hamberger helper, so we did that. Then I worked, worked out, and started the studying process. I took a nap at like 7:00p, cuz I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was the worst 40 minutes of sleep ever. I slept the whole time, but had horrible dreams non-stop. Then Heather and I went to Culver's. I decided I could go for a break. I got a bowl of chili and pop since I already ate supper. Today I made myself spaghetti. I was very proud of myself and it was yum-mee. Now I am studying again, while drinking pop, so I will be up every two seconds to go to the bathroom. I've learned in the past that caffeine stimulates the bladder, which is why it makes you pee so much, but in class the other day our teacher called caffeine a "natural diuretic" (which is a medication people are given to get rid of fluids and it makes them pee). That made me lol, cuz I'm like forcing my body to get rid of fluids, yeh, not that funny, maybe it just is to me because we talk about diuretics all the time.
Hmm..well good news, the apartment inspector didn't say a word about the way my bed was illegally postioned, so she must not care. Also, a man came today and pulled a massive and very sick hairball out of Heather and my shower, so now it drains properly. That is so gross, I swear it was like a 1/4 of the hair on my head. I'm going bald. I'll probably have to get a wig. I heard wigs have names, like "the Sharon" or "the Barbara" maybe that's an old thing and they don't do it anymore, but it would be fun to be bald and rush into a wig store and yell out, "get me "the Sharon, now!"
Guess what, I'm getting married in 354 days, which is less than a year!
Oh, today was a very nice day. I was thinking about you Mom and how it was your perfect kind of day, at least it felt like that here. Not hot and not cold, I like it.
Also, I was wondering if anyone reads my blog that never comments. So, if you are reading this now, I demand that you comment so I know, just outta curiousity, if you read this. If you can't think of a single thing to say, just write, Hi Brianna, my name is (your name here) and I read your blog today. Heehee. Do it, do it, it'll be fun.
Ok, back to studying.
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