Thursday, January 19, 2006


Hello all. I am back in Winona, just thought I'd let you know! I miss my family and my fiance, but I am doing well here thus far and am very blessed to live with two great friends so I don't get lonely (that's you HUT and C-DAWG, in case you were confused)! Tonight Heather, Casey, and I went to Culver's, it's our thang' that we do. Our usual register guy was not there, but we got over it. Then we went to Wally and the girls were so kind as to let me get groceries and help me carry them up to the apartment. Heather and Casey were very "special" at the store. Casey gave Heather rides on the cart and they were all over the place causing a ruckus, silly silly. Then Heather and I watched "In a New York Minute", it's a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie, heehee. Now I'm about to lie in bed and watch Heather's Gilmore Girls DVD special features.

Love you all!!! Love, Brianna

Here is a special picture of Heather and I tonight using her mud mask from her great something or other uncle who did make up for movie stars. I guess that means I'll look like a movie star after using it. cool.


granny said...

Brie, that is soooooo Kelly not you. Are you twin's????

Heather said...

Yay for being special!! hehe It was fun! Good to have you back in da hood dawg! :)

Cara said...

scary picture!

Megan said...

no that is brie...and you know look dirty. two piggies. I want to play with you. i miss you cuzzin. CALL ME!

Anonymous said...

You guys look like something from the TV show "Deep space nine".....yikes, scarey