Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fill 'er Out

Make sure to keep reading if you haven't read about Audrey....but here's a fun thing I stole from my friend Anne's blog. You should do it too!

I am: peaceful knowing I am a child of God.
I know: that God is in control
I want: some Diet Coke from the fountain
I have: a baby in my tummy
I miss: Camp, Park Rapids, and sometimes, being little again.
I feel: pretty excited to have gotten an 8 hour EA today for the 1st time at my new job.
I hear: Cars on the highway
I smell: Lysol, I'm taking a break from cleaning at the moment.
I crave: Diet Coke, what else.
I cry: A lot more now and more randomly for no good reason. Here's an example....I was at Wendy's with Chris and I was ordering for him and me (while he was in the bathroom) I meant to order a number 1 and a baked potato on the side. I accidentaly ordered it wrong and in the end I didn't officially get a "meal" therefore I ended up paying like 2 cents more. When I realized this as I sat down with Chris, I burst into tears and starting crying like very very hard and sort of laughing too (at myself). And, I couldn't stop, I had to go to the bathroom. Poor Chris, he was like, it's ok honey, it's no big deal. And it wasn't a big deal. I apparently was very upset that I ordered it wrong, hahahaha, I blame it on the pregnancy, I don't normally cry, especially over NOTHING!

I search: I'm really not searching for anything, sometimes my keys.
I wonder: What it will be like when it's not just Chris and I anymore.
I regret: Anytime I make someone feel bad
I love: my husband, very much. And my family.
I worry: About losing someone close to me unexpectedly or when it seems that they are too young.
I remember: A lot about everything. Chris thinks it's crazy how much I remember about my childhood. I can remember things back to age 3 (not everything of course), but I'm sure many people can too.
I dance: At weddings and it takes a while for me to get out there, haha.
I don't: swear
I argue: I hate arguing. It's my goal to calmly "discuss" hahaha.
I write: About being pregnant so I can look back on it. And in a book I write down things I learned from reading a part of the bible, prayers, or something God's taught me so I can look back on that too.
I win: At Rummy
I lose: At Rummy :( Chris and I have a constant competition going.
I wish: That everyone all over the world could have clean water, right now! And, that I wouldn't have to work anymore!
I listen: the best I can and pray that I can do better.
I can usually be found: On my computer, at work, or on the couch! Haha.
I am scared: Of flies, very very afraid. Ugh. Nothing is more tense then being in the car with a fly, many can attest to this fear of mine. I get a tension headache and I cannot relax. Sickest lil' things ever.
I need: God and his mercy, thank goodness it's new every morning!
I am thankful for: God's son, My family, My friends, My country, My job, My.....job...., My lil' baby, My home, Food, Money, the Brave people who defend our freedom back then and now, people who are willing to studying their brains off to learn enough to save lives, like doctors for example, and much more.

1 comment:

granny said...

That is very neat. i liked it very much.