Sunday, November 16, 2008

Delerium is My Middle Name

Some Pictures (I'm at work and can only put up what was on my email, so I'll do more later)

Chris and Jensen today at Grandma's, sillies. This was her idea, heehee.

Chris and I today!

Kellie and I after the sweet gymnastics show! At "Bonfire" yum. Mom took the pic.

Shawn Johnson (beam gold medalist) and Nastia's leg.

Kellie and I at the meet!
I have some more gymnastics pictures to put up at some point, I'm sure you're all dying to see them!
I am currently working overnight, just the one night, I got outta the 2nd one, mauahah. It's going fine I suppose. But my patient is super confused and was extremely agitated and fiesty. I got pinched and grabbed and luckily I'm 60 years younger than her or I'd be a goner. We had to act sorta fast and give her something to calm down, it sorta worked. I'm on edge waiting for her to wake up any second and freak out. She's gotten like 1.5 hours of sleep overnight, nice huh.
At 7:00p we were having a normal conversation, by 1am, she was a different person. I have seen this same scenario happen countless times. It's crazy how the mind works, it's something about nighttime that brings out the confusion. And being in a hospital for a week can't help either. I caught her attempting to pull out her centrel line. That would have been a bloody mess and potentially a huge problem. She also ripped off all 5 of her leads, her nasal cannula and was pretty close to having another line pulled out. She did this all in like 5 seconds.
She thinks I'm mean and am lying to her and am out to get her. This is not the first time I have been suspected of being involved in some conspiracy against a patient, haha. Another nurse that came into help was accused of hooking her up to mysterious wires and then secretly thowing away more wires. Then she started to yell, very loud, towards the hallway for help. Oh wowee. Meanwhile I am holding her arms. Now she is sleepy and restrained (for her own safety!) and things are better. I feel bad for her, she seriously thinks we're out to get her. Oh well, morning will bring around her real self once more.
Earlier today, or I guess yesterday, Chris and I met my parents and Jodi/Darin/Sam/Jensen at Grandma E.'s for pizza and cake to celebrate Gran's b-day. It was short but sweet! Then Chris worked out and I managed to take a 1.5 hour nap, at least I think I slept, it was weird. Then we went to Culvers and now here I am. I had my break from like 3 to 4. I had frosted flakes and popcorn from the cafeteria, nice huh. Then I called Cara in Ohio! She is working a night too and we chit chatted for a while. She has 5 patients, but at least none are freaking out on her, yet anyways!
Welp, if you haven't stopped reading by now, you may soon, so I better go! Talk to you all soon!
PS: Our baby is growing fat under it's skin this week, it is also growing eyebrows! Neat huh?
PSS: A nice lil' foreign man was waiting by me for an elevator the other day and he pointed at my belly and said, "what is?" and I said, "um..what?" and he said "what having?" and I was like, "oh! yes, um, we dont' know yet, we find out in a few weeks" hahaha. I was excited that a stranger noticed I was pregnant and also thought it was funny that he was so certain, after all, a lot of people have lil' bellies stickin out! heehee.


granny said...

People always freak out at night. Some of them can get fisty. If I was you I would have pinched her back and said how do you loke them apples.

Moosekahl said...

I had my lead OR nurse pat my tummy the other day in my scrubs and there is no way in hell I'm pregnant!

I SO miss Axel's Bonfire. LOVE their pizza. Love the atmosphere. Nothing like that up here.

Tell the old boss to get his little old ladies under control :)

Jackie said...

Crazy patients....ah such is the life of a night nurse.