Make sure to keep reading if you haven't read about Audrey....but here's a fun thing I stole from my friend Anne's blog. You should do it too!
I am: peaceful knowing I am a child of God.
I know: that God is in control
I want: some Diet Coke from the fountain
I have: a baby in my tummy
I miss: Camp, Park Rapids, and sometimes, being little again.
I feel: pretty excited to have gotten an 8 hour EA today for the 1st time at my new job.
I hear: Cars on the highway
I smell: Lysol, I'm taking a break from cleaning at the moment.
I crave: Diet Coke, what else.
I cry: A lot more now and more randomly for no good reason. Here's an example....I was at Wendy's with Chris and I was ordering for him and me (while he was in the bathroom) I meant to order a number 1 and a baked potato on the side. I accidentaly ordered it wrong and in the end I didn't officially get a "meal" therefore I ended up paying like 2 cents more. When I realized this as I sat down with Chris, I burst into tears and starting crying like very very hard and sort of laughing too (at myself). And, I couldn't stop, I had to go to the bathroom. Poor Chris, he was like, it's ok honey, it's no big deal. And it wasn't a big deal. I apparently was very upset that I ordered it wrong, hahahaha, I blame it on the pregnancy, I don't normally cry, especially over NOTHING!
I search: I'm really not searching for anything, sometimes my keys.
I wonder: What it will be like when it's not just Chris and I anymore.
I regret: Anytime I make someone feel bad
I love: my husband, very much. And my family.
I worry: About losing someone close to me unexpectedly or when it seems that they are too young.
I remember: A lot about everything. Chris thinks it's crazy how much I remember about my childhood. I can remember things back to age 3 (not everything of course), but I'm sure many people can too.
I dance: At weddings and it takes a while for me to get out there, haha.
I don't: swear
I argue: I hate arguing. It's my goal to calmly "discuss" hahaha.
I write: About being pregnant so I can look back on it. And in a book I write down things I learned from reading a part of the bible, prayers, or something God's taught me so I can look back on that too.
I win: At Rummy
I lose: At Rummy :( Chris and I have a constant competition going.
I wish: That everyone all over the world could have clean water, right now! And, that I wouldn't have to work anymore!
I listen: the best I can and pray that I can do better.
I can usually be found: On my computer, at work, or on the couch! Haha.
I am scared: Of flies, very very afraid. Ugh. Nothing is more tense then being in the car with a fly, many can attest to this fear of mine. I get a tension headache and I cannot relax. Sickest lil' things ever.
I need: God and his mercy, thank goodness it's new every morning!
I am thankful for: God's son, My family, My friends, My country, My job, My.....job...., My lil' baby, My home, Food, Money, the Brave people who defend our freedom back then and now, people who are willing to studying their brains off to learn enough to save lives, like doctors for example, and much more.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And Now.....Audrey Joanne Lewis!!!
Yes folks, she's a girl! The man was "very sure" it was a girl. Below are some pictures. Apparently I need practice at scanning, cuz they're all crooked, but oh well.
The appointement was super fun. We got to look at the baby from all angles and she is so big now! She is 9 ounces at the moment. He said that is a very good weight and that he can find nothing wrong with her! She has all her fingers and toes and bones in the places. It's so cute, you can see her little tiny bones in her legs, arms, and spine. We also saw her beating heart with all 4 chambers, her diaphragm, her belly, and her brain. Her hands and feet were cute and she had her arms flexed up so the guy kept saying she was showing off her "pipes". (That's muscles for you who don't know the lingo, heehee). He also spotted a few air pockets in her belly, which means she's been swallowing, which is good! She is facing towards my spine with her head down towards my feet. In this position he said he couldn't get quite the "perfect" profile, but he got really close.
Audrey's feet bottoms
Audrey from the side. Cute lil' monkey!
And brace yourselves...babys have little fat at this point, so all you see is bone. Don't feel bad for thinkin' it, yep she looks like an alien. Can you see the face? The brain is the first big black area and below it are the 2 eye sockets.
So, there ya have it! Congrats to those who were correct!
The appointement was super fun. We got to look at the baby from all angles and she is so big now! She is 9 ounces at the moment. He said that is a very good weight and that he can find nothing wrong with her! She has all her fingers and toes and bones in the places. It's so cute, you can see her little tiny bones in her legs, arms, and spine. We also saw her beating heart with all 4 chambers, her diaphragm, her belly, and her brain. Her hands and feet were cute and she had her arms flexed up so the guy kept saying she was showing off her "pipes". (That's muscles for you who don't know the lingo, heehee). He also spotted a few air pockets in her belly, which means she's been swallowing, which is good! She is facing towards my spine with her head down towards my feet. In this position he said he couldn't get quite the "perfect" profile, but he got really close.
Audrey's feet bottoms
Audrey from the side. Cute lil' monkey!
And brace yourselves...babys have little fat at this point, so all you see is bone. Don't feel bad for thinkin' it, yep she looks like an alien. Can you see the face? The brain is the first big black area and below it are the 2 eye sockets.
So, there ya have it! Congrats to those who were correct!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Boy or a Girl???
Tomorrow, on Tuesday morning, Chris and I have our "big" ultrasound. They take quite a while measuring out bones and various body parts of the baby to see that it's a proper size. At least this is what already pregnant friends have told me will happen. We will also be able to find out if it's a boy or a girl! And, if they can see enough to tell us, we're going to find out! I've heard from a couple people who said that they're baby didn't cooperate enough to see what gender they were, but I'm hoping ours does.
So....I think you should all comment as to whether or not you think it's a boy or a girl, i.e. Audrey or Peyton! And then, once I find out, I tell you who's right! Heehee.
OK, so post away.......
So....I think you should all comment as to whether or not you think it's a boy or a girl, i.e. Audrey or Peyton! And then, once I find out, I tell you who's right! Heehee.
OK, so post away.......
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy Birthday To The Best Mama!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
More November Pictures
The traditional caramel apples!
The Hamm twins, fuzzy, but's Morgan and Paul!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Delerium is My Middle Name
Some Pictures (I'm at work and can only put up what was on my email, so I'll do more later)
Chris and Jensen today at Grandma's, sillies. This was her idea, heehee.
Chris and I today!
Kellie and I after the sweet gymnastics show! At "Bonfire" yum. Mom took the pic.
Shawn Johnson (beam gold medalist) and Nastia's leg.
Kellie and I at the meet!
Chris and Jensen today at Grandma's, sillies. This was her idea, heehee.
Chris and I today!
Kellie and I after the sweet gymnastics show! At "Bonfire" yum. Mom took the pic.
Shawn Johnson (beam gold medalist) and Nastia's leg.
Kellie and I at the meet!
I have some more gymnastics pictures to put up at some point, I'm sure you're all dying to see them!
I am currently working overnight, just the one night, I got outta the 2nd one, mauahah. It's going fine I suppose. But my patient is super confused and was extremely agitated and fiesty. I got pinched and grabbed and luckily I'm 60 years younger than her or I'd be a goner. We had to act sorta fast and give her something to calm down, it sorta worked. I'm on edge waiting for her to wake up any second and freak out. She's gotten like 1.5 hours of sleep overnight, nice huh.
At 7:00p we were having a normal conversation, by 1am, she was a different person. I have seen this same scenario happen countless times. It's crazy how the mind works, it's something about nighttime that brings out the confusion. And being in a hospital for a week can't help either. I caught her attempting to pull out her centrel line. That would have been a bloody mess and potentially a huge problem. She also ripped off all 5 of her leads, her nasal cannula and was pretty close to having another line pulled out. She did this all in like 5 seconds.
She thinks I'm mean and am lying to her and am out to get her. This is not the first time I have been suspected of being involved in some conspiracy against a patient, haha. Another nurse that came into help was accused of hooking her up to mysterious wires and then secretly thowing away more wires. Then she started to yell, very loud, towards the hallway for help. Oh wowee. Meanwhile I am holding her arms. Now she is sleepy and restrained (for her own safety!) and things are better. I feel bad for her, she seriously thinks we're out to get her. Oh well, morning will bring around her real self once more.
Earlier today, or I guess yesterday, Chris and I met my parents and Jodi/Darin/Sam/Jensen at Grandma E.'s for pizza and cake to celebrate Gran's b-day. It was short but sweet! Then Chris worked out and I managed to take a 1.5 hour nap, at least I think I slept, it was weird. Then we went to Culvers and now here I am. I had my break from like 3 to 4. I had frosted flakes and popcorn from the cafeteria, nice huh. Then I called Cara in Ohio! She is working a night too and we chit chatted for a while. She has 5 patients, but at least none are freaking out on her, yet anyways!
Welp, if you haven't stopped reading by now, you may soon, so I better go! Talk to you all soon!
PS: Our baby is growing fat under it's skin this week, it is also growing eyebrows! Neat huh?
PSS: A nice lil' foreign man was waiting by me for an elevator the other day and he pointed at my belly and said, "what is?" and I said, "um..what?" and he said "what having?" and I was like, "oh! yes, um, we dont' know yet, we find out in a few weeks" hahaha. I was excited that a stranger noticed I was pregnant and also thought it was funny that he was so certain, after all, a lot of people have lil' bellies stickin out! heehee.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Birthday To My Granny!
My Gran turns another year older today! Here are some pics for your enjoyment!
Me and Grandma at the mall!
Me and Grandma at the mall!
Grandma's brother-in-law sent her a med. size bikini for her b-day, as a joke, and she decided to use them as a hat and ear muffs to get the best of him for sending her a bikini. Here she is sporting her new look.
Side view.
Side view.
Hope you have a fun day Grandma! Love you!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Nastia, Shawn, Spagetti, Brice, Kellie, Megan, ER, Scottrade, and so on...
An update....
Last Fri: had lunch with Kels and Hut! Yay! I was feeling like Casey should be there too :(
Saturday: Par-tay at Jill's house for her b-day, mucho fun
Sunday: Went to St. Paul and saw amazing amazing gymnasts at the Tour of Champions with Kellie and Mom. We saw: Nastia Luikin, Shawn Johnson, Shannon Miller, Chelsey Memmel, Tasha Swekert, and a few more, Raj Bavshar, Paul Hamm, Morgan Hamm, Blaine Wilson, and the entire Men's team. They were all so amazing to watch, I was in awe. I have pics, but I'm at work so I can't put them up now. Then we went and had din din with Brice and he gave us a tour of his school, which I had never been inside for.
Monday, worked, and the rest of the week had lunch with Chris, Mom, and Dad several times, heehee.
Tues: Went to St. Paul with Chris, who was going to class, but had din with Megan! Then she gave me a tour of her work! It was fun! We went to the Ol' Spaghetti Factory, it was so yummy!
Wed: Went along with Chris on his Scottrade work outing! The company gets money to go out and do something fun. The Rochester branch consists of 3 guys, so them and their "girls" went to Newts, so yummy, and then bowled 3 games! Randomly I got five strikes in the first game and beat everyone! Then it went downhill from there. It was a lot of fun, Chris works with 2 very nice and funny guys. Chris only has one month left of being an intern, then it's the big time.
Today, I'm at work, Friday I'll be at work and Sat. overnight I'll be at work. I was supposed to be overnight on Sunday too, but I responded first to an email that said, who wants Sun. night off, I want to work it! So, a wonderful lady is working for me! Yes! I'm so excited! I was really dreading working 4 in a row, 2 of them being 12hour overnights. I'm done in about 1/2 hour and it's off to home to watch The Office with Chris and then ER, I had to tape both.
Welp, that's all. I need to add pictures later!
Last Fri: had lunch with Kels and Hut! Yay! I was feeling like Casey should be there too :(
Saturday: Par-tay at Jill's house for her b-day, mucho fun
Sunday: Went to St. Paul and saw amazing amazing gymnasts at the Tour of Champions with Kellie and Mom. We saw: Nastia Luikin, Shawn Johnson, Shannon Miller, Chelsey Memmel, Tasha Swekert, and a few more, Raj Bavshar, Paul Hamm, Morgan Hamm, Blaine Wilson, and the entire Men's team. They were all so amazing to watch, I was in awe. I have pics, but I'm at work so I can't put them up now. Then we went and had din din with Brice and he gave us a tour of his school, which I had never been inside for.
Monday, worked, and the rest of the week had lunch with Chris, Mom, and Dad several times, heehee.
Tues: Went to St. Paul with Chris, who was going to class, but had din with Megan! Then she gave me a tour of her work! It was fun! We went to the Ol' Spaghetti Factory, it was so yummy!
Wed: Went along with Chris on his Scottrade work outing! The company gets money to go out and do something fun. The Rochester branch consists of 3 guys, so them and their "girls" went to Newts, so yummy, and then bowled 3 games! Randomly I got five strikes in the first game and beat everyone! Then it went downhill from there. It was a lot of fun, Chris works with 2 very nice and funny guys. Chris only has one month left of being an intern, then it's the big time.
Today, I'm at work, Friday I'll be at work and Sat. overnight I'll be at work. I was supposed to be overnight on Sunday too, but I responded first to an email that said, who wants Sun. night off, I want to work it! So, a wonderful lady is working for me! Yes! I'm so excited! I was really dreading working 4 in a row, 2 of them being 12hour overnights. I'm done in about 1/2 hour and it's off to home to watch The Office with Chris and then ER, I had to tape both.
Welp, that's all. I need to add pictures later!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Growing Belly: Months 1-4 (I hope it's not creepy to put this on the internet)
Hello friends. I'm not really into exposing myself, but I thought this would be better than putting it on facebook, heehee. This is me and Chris too at 4, 12, and 16 weeks into the pregnancy. I believe you can see a change, in me anyways, heehee. I stole the idea of taking pictures of the husband from a friend Cally, to see if he changes too :) So far, he's still a stick.
I'll do more over the next months too! Hope you enjoy my belly.
Week 4, the day we found out!
Week 12
Week 16 (now) more rounded-ish
I'll do more over the next months too! Hope you enjoy my belly.
Week 4, the day we found out!
Week 12
Week 16 (now) more rounded-ish
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
A Lil' Update
I'm trying to think of what I've done lately...
Well, right now I'm at work, evening shift 3 of 4, about 1 hour left! I have had a really great shift, just one plesant patient, but with some challenges. Yesterday I had to float, to the cardiac medical ICU. I was a bit nervous, but I had an easy float. I mostly sat on my butt and watched the election updates.
Yesterday Chris and I got to hang out a bit. We voted at John Adams, went to Culver's for lunch, and then went on a bike ride. It was lovely!
Last weekend I went over to Gran and Gramps H.'s house for a bit and then Chris and I and Mom and Dad went to Applebees with them!
I'm excited for this weekend. On Fri, I'm having lunch with Heather and Kelsey at Noodles, yay! Then Saturday will be a free day and Sunday after church, Mom, Kellie, and I will head up to St. Paul. We're going to the gymnastics Tour of Champions. Stars from this olympics and a few from the past, men and women, will be performing for us! I'm so excited! I wonder if we have close seats? It's at the excel. Should be good. Then I work Mon, Thurs, Fri evenings and Sat/Sun overnights, bah!
I believe it was last Thursday, I got to hang with Kels. She made the most yummiest supper ever of soup and rolls (I brought salad, whoopie) and her, David, and I had a lovely dinner! Well, David had a bottle. He was such a sweetheart, giggling, smiling, rolling over, and just lookin' cute. He's getting so big!
Tomorrow I am 16wks pregnant, 4 months! I guess then in 2 weeks we'll find out the gender, hopefully. For some reason I am skeptical that they'll be able to tell. We have an appointment on Monday, just a routine one to look at the baby and weigh me and such. Fun times.
Well, I guess I'm out of info. Hope I didn't bore you!
Well, right now I'm at work, evening shift 3 of 4, about 1 hour left! I have had a really great shift, just one plesant patient, but with some challenges. Yesterday I had to float, to the cardiac medical ICU. I was a bit nervous, but I had an easy float. I mostly sat on my butt and watched the election updates.
Yesterday Chris and I got to hang out a bit. We voted at John Adams, went to Culver's for lunch, and then went on a bike ride. It was lovely!
Last weekend I went over to Gran and Gramps H.'s house for a bit and then Chris and I and Mom and Dad went to Applebees with them!
I'm excited for this weekend. On Fri, I'm having lunch with Heather and Kelsey at Noodles, yay! Then Saturday will be a free day and Sunday after church, Mom, Kellie, and I will head up to St. Paul. We're going to the gymnastics Tour of Champions. Stars from this olympics and a few from the past, men and women, will be performing for us! I'm so excited! I wonder if we have close seats? It's at the excel. Should be good. Then I work Mon, Thurs, Fri evenings and Sat/Sun overnights, bah!
I believe it was last Thursday, I got to hang with Kels. She made the most yummiest supper ever of soup and rolls (I brought salad, whoopie) and her, David, and I had a lovely dinner! Well, David had a bottle. He was such a sweetheart, giggling, smiling, rolling over, and just lookin' cute. He's getting so big!
Tomorrow I am 16wks pregnant, 4 months! I guess then in 2 weeks we'll find out the gender, hopefully. For some reason I am skeptical that they'll be able to tell. We have an appointment on Monday, just a routine one to look at the baby and weigh me and such. Fun times.
Well, I guess I'm out of info. Hope I didn't bore you!
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