Friday, April 18, 2008

Tell me how you have been ethically morally stressfully difficultly challengingly communicationally coherent in the work place???


It's over! And was it nearly as bad as I thought it would be and did I really need to get that nervous, NO! But I can't help it and I'm sure I'll be just as nervous when the next interview rolls around some day!

Chris dropped me off for my interview and I went up and met the nurse manager who instantly gave me a tour and explained how the floor runs, so that was fun to start off with. Eventually I was in a room with him, the nurse educator, a RN on the unit. They asked me 10 questions having to do with situations and how I handled them. I was fairly quick to think of things, I few weren't as great as others and one question had to be re-phased for me and I blanked out on it, but it went pretty good. The hard question had something to do with how I coped with a difficult stressful situation all while being ethical....ummm....lemme think.......stressful, ethical, difficult....I managed to come up with something. heehee.

I got a lot of details on the difficult 13ish weeks that shall lie ahead of me if I should get the job. It involves an extensive critical care class as well as time on the unit with a preceptor. I was told it would be stressful and intimidating! Yikes, well I guess I already knew that, all jobs are! I liked the feel of the unit and the people seem nice so far. So, we'll see. However, the next set of classes start in less than a month, so in order to get in on those classes, my current nurse manager will have to let me go before the usual 30 days. Otherwise I cannot start until August, but I suppose that wouldn't be the end of the world. I get to shadow a nurse for 4 hours on the 23rd so I can get a better feel of what it's like there, which I'm really glad about! Thanks to all who sent me prayers/encouarging words, it went well.

Other than that, my dear husband and I went to Culv's for lunch and who did we see? Hut and Eric! So, Chris invited them on over to our table and we all at together. I told Hut we couldn't have planned it better if we tried! They got a new car, a Cruiser, and it's cute!

Then I had to go to work and here I am, but I only have a few minutes left! Then I shall have the weekend off. The next 3 weeks I feel like I'll have a very busy time, like a bunch of shifts in a row and classes and such, oh well, I'll live. Ideally, I would like to work NEVER and just hang out at home, hahah, but yeh, that's not realistic!

Love ya alls, Luv, Brie


Heather said...

It was a pleasant suprise seeing you and Chris at Culvers, and to think we almost went to Subway instead. Sheesh. Always great to see a friendly smile out and about in the world of lots of peeps. :)

granny said...

Way to go Brie. Sounds like a fun interview.or not?

Jackie said...

I'm glad you felt good about the interview....I knew you'd do well. Keep praying about your decision if offered the job. I think you will know when the time comes...sometime you need a few days to let everything soak in. I'm glad you get to shadow another nurse next week. That will be a good thing. Love you

Cheri said...

I hate interviews too! Glad your's went well will be a bright spot anywhere you land!