Today began tragically, as I had to get up for work. Here's what I do: I set my alarm for 5am, then re-set it for 5:45am. Then I'm in the bathroom until about 5:55. Then I eat and get everything ready to go, this only takes until 6:03ish. Then from 6:03 to 6:25 I sleep on the couch until my alarm (cell phone) goes off and it's time to go. Some would say....well you only use 18 minutes total of time to get ready, why don't you just set your alarm once and stay in bed until 6:07, get ready and go and 6:25? It's too painful that way, I need to get out of bed knowing I can sleep more on the couch later, hahah.
Anyhoo, so this morning, it was 6:15am and I was fast asleep on the couch when my phone goes off. My brain new it wasn't the alarm ring, but the "someone's calling me" ring. I opened it up and what number did I see? 538-1700, YES! This is the number that appears when you get any call from Mayo. And what did the say you ask "Brianna would you like a 4-hour EA?" "Yes!" I replied with much enthusiasm. And then life is once again filled with happines and a very large burden lifts off my back as I scamper back up to bed. I cannot help but giggle and squirm around until Chris notices and wakes up. I have to tell him, otherwise he'd wake up later and freak out that I overslept or something. Next, comes waiting to hear if I get the last 4 hours of my shift off. So, I got another call from the 1700 number at 9:30, "Brianna would you like to stay home for the rest of your shift?" "Why yes I would and thank you!" WHOOP! So, I got up and watched ER until 11:00! Score, I love it. And I'm getting paid to do it. I love that we can take random vacation days. This is quite rare, but I guess that's what makes it so special. I guess I was first on the list to stay home, sweet huh?
Now I have to make something of my day or I'll feel sluggy. So, Chris has left for b-ball and work, so I better go work-out.
What else is new.....Mom and Gavin are back home from their trips and they had fun and something exciting is that Chris and I bought a video camera! We've been wanting one for a long time (well I think I've been wanting it for a long time) and finally we found a good deal and felt educated enough to pick one out that works for us. Yip yip hooray! I think it's cute, it's not overly fancy or anything because we're not overly loaded with money to spare, but it'll do just fine.
Here's a pick of it.....
Ok peeps I better go work out and be productive. Adios.
i must be honest...i didn't read the whole blog. did you chop your hair? i likes the camera but you look like your hair is even shorter than last time i saw you...hmmm, curious.
Eric and I enjoyed reading about your morning routine and the excitment of the EA calls. I giggled about the squirming in bed until Chris woke up, sounds like something I would do. hehe. Sweet new camera! I bet you'll have fun with that! See you soon!
Unexpected time off can be enjoyable. Right????
I loved your blog update Brie. You are so funny about getting days off. I know EXACTLEY how you feel, except in my job we never get days off like that. The best we get is to get off early. Yesterday I got off 1 hour early...yip
I giggled when I imagined you "scampering back to bed". Glad you had a good always deserve it!!!
I like EA's- however, I haven't had one for a long time- since x-mas I think. I'm saving for a baby vacation. Glad you enjoyed your time off! See ya soon friend!
kels, didn't you just get one the other day when you got to go home early or something???
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