Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Music + Studying = me

I have never been able to study with music, espcially music while reading. However, right now I am listening to David Crowder on my headphone, hearing the loud boys at the other table do math, and reading about mental health for my test. I don't why I can do this now, but I'm excited cuz this means my brain is improving. Just thought I'd share that with you. Bye.


Heather said...

Congrats on the brain improvement...i think its from living so close to a teacher-wannabe. hehe xoxo Come home soon!

Brianna said...

I miss you dearly child. I feel so far, yet so close...
I like cheese

granny said...

I always knew you could do two things at once.

Anonymous said...

you are soooooooooo good :)

Anonymous said...

Your brain must have finally reached it's full potential.....what's taking mine so long?