Winona, a very pretty and enjoyable town to be in is now being taken over by the gnat. There are gnats everywhere. Sometimes they are few and then one block later and they're all over your clothes and hair like white on rice. Heehee. It's true! I wanna barf, but I'm trying to get over it. I feel like a cow, shooing off flies all day long, and I don't like it, I never wanted to be a barnyard animal. It's so werid. Where do they come from, why are there 100 million of them per square foot, why this year and not last year? Strangely enough, there are no lady bugs. There are however, suicide squirrels. I have almost fell off my bike and tripped on my rollerblades due to the dear in headlights wannabe squirrels. This town has some crazy insect/animal issues. If I had time, I would start an organization to prevent these psychotic insect/animals taking over the town. It would be called C.C.F.T.E.O.S.S.A.G.I (Concerned citizens for the extermination of suidice squirrels and gnat infestations).
Well, aside from that, school has been ok. It's school and it's not overly enjoyable, but I gotta do it.
This weekend was fun. Heather and I were the only ones here on Friday. We went to Wally and Target, went bike riding (gnats included), and ate at Erbs. She left and I hung around here and watched something or other on tv and relaxed. Then on Sat. I did a bunch of homework then Christopher came over! YAY, I didn't see him in 7 days :) We went to Jefferson's and then hung out at Target. We had no purpose, we just like to walk around I think, heehe, acutally I needed some wall sticky things to hang up my cool map of the world (I like maps :) He got me the Willow Tree figurine I really wanted. I told my mom I wanted it and she told Chris and so he got it! It's a boy holding a gold heart to his chest and it's called "You will always have my heart" it's so sweet and it looks like Chris, as far as wooden figurines go. (Thanks Chris :) and mom, for giving him the idea, heehee. Now it's Sunday. I went to church and then Subway. I also did some more homework and now I'm just kinda hangin' out for a while until the peeps come for out little Casey's b-day supper and cake, whoot! yip yip, I'm excited. Kelsey is coming too! yay! Casey's b-day is tomorrow and she will be entering the 20s! Congratulations on being alive 20 years Casey :)
Hmm...what else do I have to say....Happy 25th anniversary to my aunt and uncle Cindy and Rick Erickson. I love to see people having things like 25th marriage anniversaries since I happen to think it's very wonderful for people to stay together forever like that :) yay for them.
Wow, I just saw a commercial that caught my attention. It's for a new show called Trangenderation or something. It's about people who wanna be the opposite gender and their journey to change into that will be documented. That makes me sad!
I love my new Casting Crowns cd, it's very good, you should buy it, it's called Lifesong.
I also bought a new plant. My first 2.99 one died. So I bought another 2.99 one, but a diff. type, and it's doing quite nicely. The first one died instantly. Apparently the shelves of Target, and not my bedroom, were its ideal living conditions. I love having plants in my room :)
Well I'm out of information. I hope you are all happy to see an update from me, coughcoughBRTIACARLSONcoughcough, heehee!
(PS: Brita, I got my first magazine and it's really fun to look at, thank you!!!)
I wish you all the best and have a lovely day!
Love, Brianna