Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I love updating

Hello fellow humans.

I thought since I'm sitting here at work and I actually did homework, that I deserve to waste a little time on the computer. However, it's not wasting time because I am updating you on my life which I know is a great source of joy to some of you out there, heehee, so therefore my time spent is justified.

This week has been busy busy. Monday was non-stop. I met with my mental health patient, who I cannot name (I'm sure you're all dying to know), and that was quite interesting. I got to his house and he was very anxious because he needed cigarettes. So, we went and got some. Then we walked to campus and he told me about how he hears voices and sees things that are not there. Then on Tuesday I had clinical all day. I finally got two patients insted of one. My teacher told me I did better with two than with one and she feels better that she's challenged me. I just smiled and nodded, but inside I was thinking, whatever, you just never pain attention to me any of the other weeks and today you gave me two patients, thinking I would suck, and since I didn't suck you think I have improved. Lack of sucking is not improving, I did the same thing I did every other week I was here!!! Not to be mean, but it's the truth. Oh well, not all teachers are very observant, at least she did say something nice.

(okay, now it's one hour later)

Well, I left work and went to pick up my car. This is what the man said that gave me my car back, "a spark plug wire boot was arching out" I loled on the inside for like 5 hours when he told me that. It's good to know what happened, but if I were him talking to me, I would then proceed to give me some kind of information in a way I can understand at least a little bit of what happened. So, technically I know what happened, but I still have no clue what that means. So, anyways, it was about $35, so, that's good news. Then, I went to get my bike, which was $30. The guy there informed me that the guy who fixed it said I need to know that my bike is unsafe to use, it needs new brakes, tires, wheels, sprockets (well, I dunno if bikes have sprockets, or what a sprocket is, but I wanted to use the word), and various others things and it's a hazard to my safety to ride it. So, I had to agree and give them my signature indicating that I understand my bike will most likely kill me the next time I ride it, and I'm fine with that, I'm not paying $100,00o for new sprockets!!!! heehee.

So, now I'm back to my apartment, with a better car and bike (I think), I am about $70 dollars poorer, but that's ok. In the long run, what's $70. I feel especially happy that it's the bike that is hazardous to my life and not the car. I think my brakes going out on my bike is a little better than my breaks going out on my car.

Now, I need to do a lotta stuff, so I'm gonna get to that. I shall be up late!!!!

Ok, have a good night/day and may you never have to sign your life away for a bike.


Cindy's Closet said...

This is one of the funniest blogs you have ever posted Bri! I LOL'd through the whole thing! Yes I did! We're all glad you got your car fixed so you don't have to kill yourself (or anyone else) riding your hazardous bike! Ha! Ha!

Heather said...

You make me larf Brianna. Perhaps you should invest in a helmet or perhaps full body armor so you are more safe while riding the "dangerous bike" muahaha.

Anonymous said...

#1 Your nursing instructor needs to get a real job.
#2 I hear voices too.
#3 Yur MOm's spark plug wire boot is aching out.
#4 "get a helmet"
Love you and hope you live through the week. Mom

Brianna said...

mom, I am silent loling in the study lounge, you are so funny, and the fact that you hear voices explains a lot, hmmm...
also, yay, nate commented. and I'm glad I made casey, auntie cindy and HUT larf.

granny said...

Oh Brie u should have axed the bike for a left handed monkey wrench to fix your sprocket.

Anonymous said...

aww, funny funny blog. You also made me larf. Be careful on the bike of death :) love you, love you