Saturday, September 24, 2005

Update your blogs guys, come on, everyone's doing it.....

I would be simply amazed and astounded if the following people updated their blogs:

My brother
Jackie Lea

I would be espcially astounded if Kellie H. and Meghan F. updated!!!

HINT HINT: I'm bored people, I'm trying to stall from studying and there's nothing to stall with. Also, I wanna know what you're up to! So this is my encouragement to you to blog. Heehee. bye!


Heather said...

Haha I didnt get in trouble for not a good little updater. hehe Happy Studying friend! (oh hows the click click girl doing?)

Brianna said...

she's clicking non-stop. Thank goodness for head phones.

Anonymous said...

Who's clicking????

Megan said...

I'm glad to see i'm not on that list!! YESSSSSSSS!!!! Love you and miss you cuzzin! i think i dreamt about you last night. that's a good thing, it means that just for a little while you were here in London with me. And that makes me happy!

Brianna said...

yay, i was in Meggie's dream in London! heehee.

Mom, click girl is a girl who was in the study lounge last night who was clicking on her computer non-stop, my theory is that she was playing a whole lotta solitare, why else would you use the click so much! I had to go get head phones, cuz it's all I could focus on. I left like 5 hours later and she was still clicking, therefore....clickgirl