Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Happy Birthday to my very wonderful fiance Chris! Yay, you're 21 today :) I love you!  Posted by Picasa


Jackie said...

Happy Birthday Chris, hope you have a splendid day.

Megan said...

happy birthday christopher!

granny said...

Happy Birthday Chris.

Anonymous said...

aww, thanks to all the peeps :) and Thank you Brianna for making my birthday the most wonderful day :) I love you so much, you are soooooooo sweet and I am so thankful to have such a wonderful fiance.

Brianna said...

no youuuuu're wonderful, heehee :)

Brianna said...

um ok, you can say puke to me when you and Jeff stop with the love muffin thing and the smoochy smoochy, hahahha, muahahahah.