Sunday, February 06, 2005

Um...I was wondering if it's spring of 2006 yet

Tonight I am not even close to being motivated to study. I'm pretty sure I have been studying since 2, and it's 7, but I know nothing. I don't really know what to do except hope this test tomorrow is easy, doubt it. I am not seeing the all A thing happening this semester, I know I always say that, but I'm not feelin' it. I just really wanna graduate. Blah blah blah. I think winter break was not a good thing cuz I was like all studious before that and now I kant even spel wurds rite and I dont wana lern stuf and memmorise it. I am a veri big bum/slaker. Maybe cuz what I'm learning right now is Stupid! yeh, that must be it. heehee. Oh well, I'll just keep truckin along....I did not just say truckin'. I guess I can look forward to spring break eh? It's like less than a month I think. whoo. I wanna go to Sonshine this summer, Heather, we must, anyone else who wants to come, feel free. There's lotsa good bands this time around. Maybe this is the reason I did not get my I could have time off to go to Sonshine, heeehee, right. Not get your internship you ask? Well no, I did not, Mayo said no way jose, so...I shall find a job instead. I wanted it; I think it would be really good for me, but God has other plans, so we shall we what they are. If anyone has any good motivating tecniques, lemme know. I am stuck in this deary study lounge staring at the wall and trying to learn all about the transtheoretical change model....I'm sure this will come in handy when patients ask me...."So....I see you're trying to put an IV in me right now, but I would rather you tell me about the theoretical change model and what stage I'm in right now." MMMkay, well I guess I should get back to this so I can sleep tonight sometime. Bye bye, have a lovely week! Love, Brianna the slacker.


Heather said...

I recommend the fresh air thing like your mother suggester or perhaps a freezing cold shower. muaha. I've been reading about IEPs, IDEA and LREs for the last 3 hours thats gotta be equally exciting as your stuff. And since we're on the inspirational verse theme for this bloggy heres a good one: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Phillipians 4:10

Brianna said...

Casey says she can sleep on her books and learn though osmosis, this is impossible, because osmosis only works through a medim like water, duh. heehee.