Monday, February 07, 2005

Twilight Zone

Hello people. Have you ever taken a nap in the morning, it's really weird. I went to my only class today and took a test and my other one was cancelled, so I came back here and watched two ERs but must have fallen asleep. It was like the deepest sleep I've ever been in. I knew Casey and Heather were walking around and I may even have talked to them I'm not sure, but it was a fun nap, I needed sleep! So yeh, I woke up with Heather and Casey standing there and Heather helped orient me back to life, I think. But I had the weridest dreams. First, Amie, Erin Sipe (from Lourdes last year) Heather, Casey, and Kelsey, and I were going this werid guys house that ran a tanning bed. I decided to go tanning since I was there. It was dumb though cuz you did it with all your those on, even your coat, so I dunno how you'd get tan. This boy came in and I asked him how it worked if you have all those layers on and he was just like, trust me, it works. So, then I went and wrote a check to the guy, but he had already written one for me...ok....then I lost a tooth, which is unfortunate cuz they're all permanent, and it was right in front! Suck! Then I lost a ring I don't even have if the first place, sad. Then Kelsey was like making food and then Heather's friend Eric came and he was very nice and polite and we were trying to figure out how to turn the lights on so we could actually see him. This weird dream ended with Erin Sipe taking me outside to cook me a hamberger for my birthday on a grill thingy. I'm not sure what happened, but I stormed away, took the grill, and Erin was laughing at me. I filed her for harrassement, which is quite funny, cuz anyone who knows Erin knows she not the harrassing type of person, heehee. I was really upset and I told Chris and he told me it would all be ok. Then I woke up and I was so relieved it was a dream, like that would be real anyway. It's amazing how dumb I can be when I'm sleeping, or awake for that matter, MUAHHAHAAHHA. So, yeh, now I'm hangin out till I work at 2, sooooo, you may have all been bored to death by that but ohhhhh well. See ya all later! <3>


granny said...

Brianna i'm really worried about you. Anyone that has that wierd of a dream is scary. I have dreams and when i wake up i don't remember them. so i don't know if i even have the dumb things. it must run in the family.
you will get better and be your old self again very soon. take my word . i am going now to get the tabs for the pickup so gramps won't get picked up like i did.
later gator.

Brianna said...

Nice Kelsey, some of that sounded pretty believable, maybe you should consider dream interpretation as a career. And yes mom, I knew you would buy a grill, I just knew it.

Heather said...

So i was in the kitchen throwing food around and rearranging the cupboards, and you didnt even move!! I was watching you the entire time! Muahah. Kinda hard to beleive you can have such active dreams and not move at all. I also like Kelsey's interpretation of your dreams. Although i do belive you couldnt turn on the lights to see Eric because you havent actually seen him so you dont know what he looks like. But since he was super nice and polite in your dream it must be true!! hehe.

Megan said...

Brie, You're Whack!