Thursday, February 10, 2005

I don't know what to say...akward

Hi. Welp, I am sitting here thinking about what to do so I decided to let you all know how my past couple days have been. Hmm...let's see, I've actually been working really hard, I studied for a test for two days and worked on a group thingie....we're teaching a fifth grade class for two hours on a health topic, and their teacher picked for us to do it on fitness. So, we're starting off looking kinda like an 80s aerobic class and we actually have a lil' rountine so yeh, that'll be fun, if not for the kids, for us. heehee. Today we did urinary catheterization in skills lab, interesting stuff. Mom, do you put Foley's in people? I need to know how hard it is in real life. Yesterday my mommy sent me my very own electric mixer in the mail! Fun! She also got me a rolling pin that I haven't seen yet. I used it today and it was great fun. I think that is all I have to say, this is unusually short for me, but oh wellllllll. Love ya all and have a lovely day! <3 Brie
PS: Gavy and Jay, have fun at Acquire the Fire, everyone else too, I'm praying for YOU!!!!!


granny said...

when i worked at the hospital a dr tried to make me put in a cathater. i told him a thing or two. what a dork

Brianna said...

heehee, you all make me laugh

Anonymous said...

I just wanna say that I am VERY, VERY uspet about this! Why can't I have a rolling pin and blender thing???? I am way jealous.. You were so on to me Jackie. Why? Why did you have to let everyone know about that?

Brianna said...

You are not old enough for a mixer/rolling pin. I on the other hand am a mature, sophisticated adult. Plus, you have no interest in cooking. MUAHAHAHAH, playin'