Saturday, February 19, 2005

I won a million dollars!

G'day all. Well I haven't written in a while. So, I shall start with Valentine's day. I went to Chris' homeage in Roch. It was super fun. We went grocery shopping to make meatloaf, potatoes, and corn. So we came back and made all that and it worked out pretty good, the meatloaf got a little overcooked, but it was yummy. Then I had made cheesecake and it was soooo good. yum. Then he gave me the ring that I posted on my blog, a little teddy bear, a card, flowers (pink and red roses) and dark chocolate YUUUUUUM. wow those were good, he's so sweet (sweet like "awwwww" not sweet like "sweet man, that's awesome") The rest of the week was uneventful, just school. Although I did teach the fifth grade class, that was fun, I liked them, they were so participatory and funny. One girl reallly liked me cuz I said I like gymnastics and she's in it too, cute. My throat started hurting a few days ago so I finally went to health services and got it cultured and it turned out negative, no bacteria for me. So it's just a lil' virus action going on, so I wait it out and it's already better. Last night Casey, Amie, and I went to Hitch, we really liked it, very funny. Then I re-colored my hair, cuz it looked faded, so that was fun. Casey and I went to McDonalds for breakfast, yum yum, and now I am sitting here. I am going to the last WSU gymanstics home meet at 1:00p so I have a bout an hour to spare. Chris is probably coming to visit tonight too, fun fun. It was weird to sleep in here last night cuz Heather's at home. Whenever she goes home it seems like everyone else is gone too and I sleep out on the couch, but I didn't last night so it's always strange to be in here alone!!!!!!!!! but it's ok. A'ight, I shall go now, have lovely day! <3 Brianna Maria


Heather said...

Oh, i forgot to tell you..i'm moving out of our room this weekend so you will be in the room by yourself every night for the rest of the semester!! muahaha

Brianna said...

oh you didn't mom, you know I will not do that. The funny thing throat pain is going way down and I have had no salt water, only have had water in my mouth while brushing my teeth, and I don't sleep much. heehee.

Anonymous said...

I want a million $
give it to me or you will never see me again!