Look what Chris got in the mail! His diploma. It's official....he's a Bachelor of Arts! His official major is Business Administration (Management) with a minor in Management Information Systems! Not only did he graduate, but with honors! He's Magna Cum Laude, whoo hoo! I am very proud of my husband. I saw him start and finish college, working very very hard the whole time and never giving up! He's going to walk in the graduation ceremony in June. I can't wait to see him in his robe and get a picture of him with Audrey!
I love you Chris and I am so proud of you! Yay!!!!!!!!
PS: Scroll down, I was a blogging maniac and did 2 more :)
We are proud as well, you did it and we knew you could. Wooooohoooo
What a grandson-in-law. Congrate's. Way to go.
Oh fun Audrey gets to see Daddy graduate!
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