Sunday, March 09, 2008

Daylight's Saving Sunday

Yep, another new blog.

It's Sunday and I'm at work. It's a super good day. I had 3 patients and am now down to 2! Better than yesterday's 4....

I went to bed an hour early last night, so I didn't loose an hour of sleep, but I still only got my 6-ish hours of sleep, so I was not very rested, haahaa.

Coming to work this am was much more pleasant, for one thing, I had less patients, and for another thing, the nurses before me got a lots of things done, which is always nice (thanks Anne!!!! PS: Anne, if you're reading this tonight, I hope your night is good and goes fast!)

I'm on the B side (as opposed to the G side) and I'm likin' it. It's much smaller and calmer, somewhat like when I worked on Alfred insted of Joseph, ok too much detail.

I'm sittin' here watching my patients and covering for another nurse while she's on break. I get to go eat in 32 minutes.

Well, I gotta go give some Potassium. Have a wonderful week!


granny said...

You are knowen as the working blogger. love it.

Jackie said...

yea for being done with the weekend. I hope you enjoyed your Monday.