Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sunken Pumpkins

I'm blogging because I am bored out of my mind. I have 45 minutes left of work and I can hardly stand the thought of roaming the halls for that long, so I'm resorting to this to pass some time.

Last weekend we had a surprise party for Gran turning 70. It was at my uncle Randy's house in Lake Elmo. I think she was surprised! There were a lot of people there, mostly all the family. It's so wonderful to be with everyone. I just love my cousins and aunt and uncles and 2nd cousins and even 3rd cousins! We just hung out, ate food, played outside, and so on. The time went really fast. A strange thing happened to me on that day as well. My neck had been hurting in a strange way for a few days, but it hurt the worst that morning. As the day went on my neck got more and moe achy and the ache spread to my head and shouders and then arms. Pretty soon I just felt weird and very weak. I was seriously an effort to double click a mouse. On the drive home with mom, dad, and Gav, I felt the worst, but we had fun singing in the car, so I forgot about the pain for a while. I got to Mom's house and I had a temperature. I took some advil and felt a trillion times better and woke up better the next day. I called in sick to work for the first time cuz I still felt so weak and strange. But by the next day I was perfectly fine. Weird huh.

Chris and I just started something new togehter. It's called Kid's Hope. It's though our church and Ben Franklin Elementary. We've been paired up with a little kid and we spend an hour with them every week, doing homework and playing. Basically, they're kids who could use special attention for various reasons. We're just supposed to be a positive adult who cares about them, so we figured it would be a cool thing to do. I think I'm starting this Monday, I'm acutally a bit nervous, those kids are so darn scary, hehee. JK. It's just the thought of meeting someone new, always a little uncomfortable at first. Chris had a little boy and me a girl in the lower grades. We can stay with them all the way to 5th grade if we want.

So, Monday I called in sick, Tuesday I worked and then hung out with Casey @ WW and the mall, Wednesday I had off! Thursday (today) and Friday I work nights, bummer!!!
However, I have the weekend off and I'm going to see my Hemmer side on Saturday at my cousin Jill's b-day party. She turned 16 today acutally. Happy Birthday Jill!!!! And Kellie is coming home!

Yesterday, Halloween, I set candy out, but I don't think anyone took any. I went to Mom and Dad and hung out. Mom made us wonderful chili, I want some right now! We went on a littel walk to see the kiddies and a few came to Mom's house. We used to get a TON of kids, but now, since we're the last cul-de-sac and because North Park is so huge now, not as many people come all the way down to us, sad day. Chris and my pumpkins are starting to bite the dust. Can you just throw pumpkins away in the normal garbage? I guess so. They're getting soggy and caving in. Hahaha.

Well, I'm very eager to start a new job, but then I'm not at the same time. There's so many things I don't like here. But there's the fear of worse things somewhere else, ahh, I dunno what to do. I think I'll stick with my unit for a bit so I get to be a part of the new unit the end of December. Then I'll start really thinking about changing my job. I don't wanna get sucked into working here forever just because it's comfortable. I do wanna learn different things and never work on a floor again. I like many things about my floor. I do like the patients and spending time with them and making their day better and as oranized as can be. And I do like the people I work with and really getting the hang of things here. But it's just too psychotic, I'm willing to deal with it, but I don't wanna do this long-term. It's non-stop crazines and dis-organization. I feel like I have to organize everything, between patients, doctors, family members, physical therapy, everything. It's annoying and impossible sometimes. I would like to work somewhere where the patient is there temporarily, like the OR, where they come, get a surgery done, and leave. Some of our patients are here for months and months. There's just so much to deal with. Whatev, I'll just keep truckin' along. I do appreciate my job though, I get a paycheck because of it and I've learned a ton, so there are good things.

Okay, now I have about 20 mintues to spare, nice.

Hmm..what else can I talk about, la de dah......

Sadly, I have nothing else to say. I hope I didn't bore you all to death.



Anonymous said...

Brianna, It's Friday AM and I have 8 hours to go. I don't want to be here, well here is ok because I am working at home, but I don't want to be here in front of the computer. Mayby I'll spend some time on the Google. Have a good weekend.

Jackie said...

I dont work till Monday and I already dont wanna be there, Ha

Brianna, you actually get the medal of honor for working on an Ortho floor, probably the crazieat and "heaviest" place a nurse has to work. I admire you and ALL you "Floor nurses" for the hard jobs you have. This is definatly a job that you can truely say, "I've earned every cent of my paycheck" I'm proud of you and know that you're a great nurse in every way. You will find a differnt job when the time is right, Hang in there little one, the new unit will be fun to be part of then you can abandon ship. Love you mom

granny said...

Hang in ther Brianna. I know your a great nurse and can handel it til something you really want to so comes along.

Heather said...

You have never ever bored me in my entire life...just so you know. I'm sure all the patients you have helped appreciate everything you do for them, even if they don't quite show it. If you were my nurse we would have fun!! Glad your feeling better. We've had 8 kids out of 21 gone sick this week and my Dad is sick...I refuse to get sick!!