Monday, November 05, 2007

Can't Believe I'm Blogging Again....

I think I just updated last night! But here I am again.

I had a feeling I'd be floating tonight and so I am, all eight hours. I am on Joseph 4B, a cardiac floor. I've been here once before. Since I'm not trained to read heart rhythms effectively, other nurses have to read my patient's monitors. I'm very very bored. I've kept slightly busy until now, but now I have an hour left. I have 3 patients. One is easy, one is super easey, and the third wishes me out of her room! She's not mad at me, she just really wants to be left alone, so I gave her some of her later meds early and I said I wouldn't be back unless she called me. She's now on the sleep enhancement protocol, meaning we're really supposed to limit our time in their so she can really sleep. 2 of my 3 have diseases I could catch, so I'm all gloved up and gowned up all night. But then again, I do that on my floor too. This boredom makes me appreciate my floor, I think. On my break, I headed back up to Joseph 7 and got to eat with 4 other girls I work with, so that was fun. It's funny, at least 1/2 of the nurses here right now, are floating here. So when we all got here they were asking me where to find stuff and I'm like yeh, I'm floating here too.

Today was neato, cuz I met my Kid's Hope child. It went really well. I have a little girl and she's extremely sweet and cute and energetic. When I met her, I told her we'd have an hour to do whatever we wanted (no homework tutoring on the 1st day) and her eyes lit up and she got all excited. I had her give me a tour of the school and I asked lots of questions and she just had a grand old time showing me everything. She has her picture up in a case for reading over the summer and she was very proud to show me that. It's always fun to show people around a place you know well and I could tell she had fun with it. Then we picked a spot in the library and played an I-Spy game with theses matching card thingies. She actually won! We started filling out a all-about-her sheet, but we didn't even end up finishing it because time went so fast. I'm honestly glad to go see her again next week. It was pretty's our conversation

Me: We don't have to do homework today, but next week we will.
Her: What about tomorrow?
Me: Oh, well I come to see you only on Mondays
Her: Oh, not everyday??? Just Mondays???
Me: Yes
Her: So then I never have to do homework because my teacher said on Mondays we don't have to.
Me: I think your teacher just said no homework today. But we'll just do a little bit next week.
Her: Oh.

Hahah, funny. She totally though I came everyday, what a cutie.

I had a little bit of time after that to see Chris for a second before work. He was at Wendys and I was driving that way so we met at the Christian Book Store for about 10 mintues so I could tell him about it all.

Hmm, what else do I have to say.....
I work Tues and Wed evenings and then the OVERNIGHT WEEKEND, ahhhhhhh. I actually haven't done the overnight weekend in 12 weeks. I dread it, but at the same time, I'm kinda glad it's overnight this time and not in the day, there's just so darn much to do in the day so two 12 hour shifts are nuts. Well, at least I'm floating now so I don't have to this weekend, that would be a bummer, overnight on a floor where you know no one.

I'll be glad for next week when I start working days again. This is my 3rd week of evenings and I've had enough of them. They make me lazy in the day and I dunno how to stop that. All I can think of when I wake up is that I only have like 5 hours and then I gotta go to work. But when I work a day, I'm home by 4p and have the whole evening. It is a bummer to get up at 5:45, but it's better in the long run for me to just get up and get work done first.

I can't wait to go home! Ahhhh, it could be between 20 and 40 mintues before I get to leave and it can't come soon enough!

Ok, that's all folks. Have a wonderful week. Peace


granny said...

Glad it went well with your little girl. Sounds like fun. When dose Chris meet his boy? Have a fun week.

Jackie said...

I'm glad you're the one making a difference in that little girls life

I'm glad I dont float...yuck

Heather said...

Your girl sounds fun, now you can have a little glimpse into the life of Bish and I. They are entertained by the smallest thing and find things way more exciting than adults..I love being able to see the smiling children. I'm glad she has someone like you to be her friend. She will brighten your Monday's just like you will brighten hers. Love ya friend.