Saturday, October 27, 2007

A week of work and a day of fun!

This week was okay, but I felt like I worked everynight. Working nights somehow seems to take up the whole day.

Wednesday was the only day I didn't work, but I found myself in the hospital regardless.
My sis-in-law, 12yr old Laura, went to the children's hospital at St. Mary's to get checked out for high blood sugar. Turns out, she has Diabetes type 2 (you should look it up). So, it seems everything is okay now and it's being taken care of, so that's good. So Chris and I spent some time with her that day.

I should go back to last weekend. Mom and I went to Women of Faith, my 3rd time there, with Kellie, Jill, Julie, and her mom and sister. The theme from Amazing Freedom, which is a very good theme! It was lots of fun! We got to hear Sandi Patty sing and also Nichole Nordeman. I've heard of her, but didn't realize how much I like her songs until I heard her sing! So, now I have her best hits cd :) and I really like it!

Today was nice. Chris and I went to work out and then went to Erbs. It was lots of fun :) But then.....he had to go work :( I went to my Mom's and we went to the Mall and Target to get some things. Then her and I and Dad ate at Culver's where I saw my dear husband working. He was busy managing, but was able to say hello to us a few times! Yip Yip. He does such a good job there. I'm so proud.

Then I went to the movie Dan in Real Life with none other than the fabulous Casey Bishop! It was a hilarious/touching movie, I'd recommed it. Then we went and browsed around at Shopko and figured out how to use her new phone that has many fun and high-tech features. My phone now seems quite ghetto. It's always fun to hang with "Bish" and chit-chat.

Now I am home, alone, and I think I'll pick up the messes I made earlier and soon my Chris will be home and I can attack him with hugs as he loves so much, teehee.

Well, there's a nice lil' update for y'all. Yee-haw.

Love, sincerely, best wishes, Brianna L.


granny said...

Sounds like you had a great week. Hope Laura is doing ok. Holla in the hood.

Heather said...

Glad Laura is ok, I'll keep her in my prayers. You saw Bish! No fair! I wanna! Hope you have a splendid Sunday and talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

I liked that movie too. you all should go see's a good one