Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Jan. 30th, 2007

Today my dear friend Kelsey and I went out for lunch. She came over to get me a little after noon and what did she have for me in her hands......well I think the following picture says it best.....

Flowers! yesssss!

I was very excited. I can never tire of flowers and now my kitchen smells like them, nice nice. We drove our way to Beetle's, a cool restaurant on 2nd street (west of 52). I got a tuna wrap and she got a turkey wrap! One can get free popcorn before the meal, so we did that. On the way back to my place Kels whips out another present. It was a lovely little set of cucumber melon flavored soaps/bath things, FUN! Also, a face mask. Well, more like an eye mask thingy. It's one of those gel filled things that looks like Batman or Superman's mask that can be heated up or cooled. Then it goes on the face and feels good on the eyes! I tried it out and it was fun. I even put it on Chris and he adored it. I caught him wearing it several times today (kiddin'). Thanks for the fun Kels! I love hanging out with you! Here is me liking my mask....

Batman/Superman ready for action.

Later on, I went to Mom and Dad's and ate a very yum dinner provided my Mum. Then I watched Gilmore while the rest of the bunch watched Idol. I like both, so it's hard to chose. Also, Dr. 90210 was on, another fav. show. I like how there's nothing good on Mon, Wed, or Fri. night, but all the good shows are all on at 7 on Tuesday, nice. At least they put ER on Thursday. Hehehe. Gilmore was no big thing, more nothingness....I wish they would hurry up and make something happen! They're draging it out like a soap opera or something.

Ok, now I am going to fiddle around on my computer and use up a good hour or two. See ya all later!!!!!!! Tomorrow I enter my pre-mid twenties....(the 23-24 age group).



granny said...

Looks like it was a fun day for all in the family. Friends family and good food.

Heather said...

You look like a super hero in that mask! Sorry I cant be there to celebrate with you but I kinda gots school...grr..

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday I love the masked face picture...what a goof you are. The flowers are beautiful, I wanna smell um

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mrs Lewis!

Cheri said...

Happy Birthday Brie!
I didn't know you when you were born, but meeting you when you were in 3rd grade and watching you grow up speaks volumes of you as a baby. You have been a blessing to our family...and mostly to our daughter. I am crying as I write this because I am fully aware of God's great love in providing us with your family as neighbors. Moving across the country and making new friends is a very scarey thing....you all made our transition so much easier.
Your friendship with Cara is amazing....I used to pray for God to provide a wonderful best friend for Cara....and in you I see God at work....he heard the desire of my heart for my little girl, knowing that she would need a friend just like you Brianna. I am so glad you were born 23 years ago!
Our love and blessings for another wonderful year. It is a joy to mark time with you.
Love, Cheri and Kirk

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brie! Glad we had fun yesterday. Happy 23!!!!