Thursday, February 01, 2007

Da B-day

Yesterday was my b-day and it was fun!!!

Mom and Dad took me out to lunch at Carlos O' Kelleys, mmmmm, so good. I got free fried icecream!!! Mom and Dad also got me some sweet little flowers...
Thank you Mom and Dad! Then Mom and I hung out for a little bit until Chris came home. I relaxed for a while until he finished his homework. Then we played rummy and went to Macaroni Grill! It was so yummy. I got a piece of cake for my b-day there and a lady sang happy b-day to me in italian! Then Chris and I rented the Break Up, I liked it and Chris thought it was ok, but he did stay awake. I also opened my presents from Chris. He got me the 6th season of Gilmore Girls!!! YES! He also got me a subscription to People! That was totally his idea. He just knew that I liked reading that Magazine so he got me a subscription. He actually bought and wrapped the current People out in stores and gave me that. I was really confused, like why did he give me this one People magazine? Then he explained everything, heehee. He also got me a DVD player for downstairs that also records! So, now I can finally record shows I always miss. For instance tonight I will miss the Office and ER, but now I can record them!!! Yay!!! A million points to Chris also for figuring out how to set it up with all the millions of cords to plug in. He also got me some pretty roses and a really good back rub. I am a lucky girl! I was treated so sweet by my husband and everyone on my b-day.
Thanks to everyone who thought of me! I appreciate you all very much...
Here's some more pictures cuz what's a blog without pictures?


Anonymous said...

WOW..I must give Chris some props for thinking of all that cool stuff. You get extra points for the people magazine subscription, and triple the points for hooking up the DVD player, those things are so complicted sometimes.
I'm glad you had a lovely day Brianna, you are worth it. Love you

granny said...

so glad you had such an awsome b-d.