Hi, I bet ya thought I fell off the planet eh?
Blogging is a school thing for me, so it's weird to do it at home, but I thought I would. I've been home exactly one week. I love Winona and I miss my apartment and Casey and Heather, but I do also love being home. I have gotten to see my family and Christopher quite often, which is so nice. I also saw Cara who I hardly ever see!
Jeff (Kelsey's boyance) was ever so kind to put me on the Culver's schedule and I have thus accumulated 29.5 hours and I'm still goin'. I have tomorrow off though! I have shopped a bit and done other little random things. I made a snow man with Gavin and Chris, made cookies with mama, went to A-bee's with Pa, and tonight I went to Narnia with my brothers and Chris, it was excellante!!! I would recommend it.
I am very glad to be done with this semester. I really would not like to go back for another semester, not because I don't like my college life, but because I am tired of classes, teachers, studying, multiple choice tests, and clinicals. I have to find the motivation to finish this out and be done in May, well sorta, cuz I have to take the RN test early in June, then I'm a nurse.
God has taught me so much in college, the thing me kept telling me this semester is that this world is not all there is for me, I knew that before, but he made me really think about it. I find so much peace and joy in the fact that God tells me how valuable I am to Him, which has nothing to do with anything I achieve here on earth. It's so great to belong to a purpose aside from this world, cuz this world is one huge letdown a lot of the time, but it's good though, because it makes us want something more, which is God. However, there are so many good things I've been given here, like my amazing family, fiance, and friends, and while I'm here I'm making the most of my time with them and living for God.
I could probably think of others things to write about, but I think I shall get in my beddy bye and be cozy and watch tv for a lil' bit.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, but I hope even more that you remember and realize that God sent His son to earth to save our lives if we so choose to accept Him.
God Bless You, Love Brianna (look at the pictures below!!)
Chris and Gavin happy to be unrapping kisses for the cookies.....
Chris and Gavin after opening all the kisses, they got a lil' loopy, heehee
Cara made my hair all spiraly, cool eh, this is also my new Nursing hooded sweatshirt!!!