Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day

Hello friends and family,

I'm too behind, so I'll just start with today!
It's been a fun day. I woke up to find a pretty new layer of snow on the ground! Then Chris and I had a baby appointment. Audrey was kickin' away so it took the Dr. a few seconds to find her heart beat. It was in the 140s, this is good. My uterus is also an appropriate size, haha. Basically everything is about me, my weight, my blood pressure, and such, and all are find. I have a few new issues, gastric reflux (heart burn) and leg cramping! I eat one thing and I feel like it's coming back up and it burns and then at night I either get a really bad leg cramp (like my muscle becomes a hard rock and foot is pointed and it won't move) or I feel like it will come on at any moment. It hurts so bad! She said I can take TUMS and drink more milk for the calcium. I have also gained 9 lbs, which is appropriate, haha. She is kicking around more and more, but I cannot feel her with my hand, just inside. I like it though, it's fun to know she's there. One day she wasn't kicking and I got nervous, but then she kicked!

Chris and I then went to Erbs and he headed back to IBM. That's right folks, Chris is done with college, done with his internship, and has started his "professional" job at IBM! He's on his first week and seems to like it ok. It's not to thrilling at this point, a lot of reading and self-directed learning on the computer. He expected a cubicle, but has his own office.

Later I met up with Mom at the mall to tag along with her while she was shopping. I then decided to sparadically get my hair chopped off. I get an "itch" to get my hair cut and I cannot wait, I have to do it right then and there. I don't think I"ll ever be able to grow my hair out super long again, it just gets too heavy and I feel like I look too young with it like that, all long and straight. I think light and fluffy works a lil' better. Plus I never want to get so attached to it that I refuse to cut it like some of those peeps on What Not to Wear who start bawling when they get it cut, heehee. Anyhoo... Mom and I talked to aunt Cindy for a while. She has a kiosk at the mall which sells pretty purses, bags, and more fun things. It's kinda by Santa and I can almost always expect to see her there! It was fun :)

Now I am home and was going to sort out some Christmas receipts, but then I started checking blogs and facebook and email and now it's an hour later. I guess I better go do that before it all builds up. I am glad to have the weekend off, then I just work Mon evening and then get 4 days off! Yes!

Hope you all have a wonderful day and see you soon!


granny said...

I am so glad everything is ok with Audery and you.
By the way congrates Chris on your graduation and job and done with college. Way to go.
See ya all soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the heartburn Brie- pepcid really worked for me. My doctor said that pregnant ladies can take one pepcid every 12hrs- so I did and it was wonderful. she also said that if those did not work, she could have written me a prescription for protonix- so those must all be safe. Hope you get over it soon though- and those darn leg cramps! Congrats to Chris and his office! YAY!

Jackie said...

Your hair cut is surprise.