Friday, October 05, 2007

Fall is pretty, but the bugs RUIN it.

Here I am at work, I have 2 hours left, not bad. It's actually been a steady/slow night, with no real dilemmas or stress. I got a ton done when I got here and now it's dwindling down to a few more meds and a couple more repositioning of people. My patients are just glorious today and I had the same 3 yesterday too. They are so pleasent. It seems like I either have 3 great ones or 3 difficult and not a mix. Last night I took care of a 17yr boy for a couple hours. I think it's so fun when I get a teenager for a patient. It's a rare occurance, but I really like them. At firtst it's intimidating because they're practically my peers (well not quite) but they're at least my generation compared to my usual 60 and up patients. Not that I do not like my other patients, but it's a fun change when I get to take care of a kid. It's not enough to make me wanna go into pediatrics though, maybe babies, but not peds. There are some difficult ones on our floor right now though, some nurses sure have they're work cut out for them tonight!

Oh what else.....I've been killing bugs all week, it's a 2nd job. Ladybugs (LBs) swarm our room and Box-Elder bugs are attacking the kitchen. It's dispicable; I can't stand it and I've tried just about everything. Bascially, we just vacuum them up, it's a load of fun.

I've been very bored this week. Very bored. There's nothing to do. All I do is work out, sit around, go out to eat, and work. It seems like there's no one around, like I'm in a brand new town where I don't know anybody! Oh well, wudda ya do. I can't think of any hobbies, I'm a slug.

My wedding album is almost done, so that's exciting, it's gonna be really cool, I can show it to you.

Ok, well I'll go give some meds now...

Bye all.


Christoph's Czarbach said...

oh, you little sweetheart :) I love you! Holla!

granny said...

Maybe you can write a blog for your husband to let us know how his world in the hood is going. That would be nutz.

Heather said...

Brianna the slug. Sorry you've been bored, you can help me write the gazillion lesson plans for my week of full time teaching next week if you want. Sometime within the next couple months you can help me with more wedding stuff I'm sure. I wish I could have that much free time that I could just come be a slug with you. It will happen soon, I hope. Have a good weekend!

Jackie said...

Sorry about the bugs...they are annoying huh. We shall do something fun soon....

Cindy's Closet said...

Kill those bugs dead Brie! Get some bug spray from your local hardware store (or WalMart) and spray your windows and doorways. It's usually in the garden & pest spray area of the store. It kills em dead before they have a chance to come inta yur house! Try really works! We do it every year.