Well I would like to tell you about my spring break. I will be very brief because people see a long blog and get overwhelmed and never read it, at least a lot of people do.
Mom took me to Chicago!!!! It was a blast and I'd do it again. We shopped all over, saw Blue Man Group, the muscial Wicked, and Lake Michigan. Blue Man and Wicked were awesome! We took taxis, went to the 90th something floor of the John Hancock Building to look out, ate Chinese and Italian food, and went to a late movie. The lake tried to eat my sandals, we got dissed by a lady at Saks Fifth Avenue cuz she didn't think we were rich enough to be there, and we sneaked in a picture at Tiffanys & Co. It was very very fun!!! Thank so much for taking me mom! The drive wasn't so bad, we passed through 4 toll things where you have to pay $ to pass! We also went to a cool outlet mall outside of Chicago. I wanna go again! I'd have to say that Wicked was the hightlight and I didn't even read the book.
After this my spring break took a quick and painful downhill. I got my wisdom teeth out! I didn't think it would be as bothersome as it was. Well, I mean, the actual procedure was fine, zero pain, but then I was a chipmunk for like four days, which is just kinda a distubing/achy feeling. My mouth hurt semi-bad during that time too. Then when it was just starting to get better, I got a dry socket in one of them. So, I had to go back to the hosptial and experience the most painful couple minutes of my life, seriously, no pain has ever been worse, not really even close. The dude squirted water down the hole where my tooth was, yes squirted water, that's all, but it felt like he was hammering a large stick or hunk of wood down there. I was like, um, "was that a shot?" and he's like no, I just squirted water. I guess the pain can be explained by the fact that the water was squirted onto an open bone and nerves down in the socket. So, yeh, then he put a gauze down there with pain killing stuff on it and told me I'd come back once more to do it all again......"super". However, when I came back a had a new doctor who was extrememly kind and told me he'd be careful and it like didn't hurt at all, granted my tooth was a little better by this time, but still he was very nice. Now, I squirt salt water down there on my own and hopefully the pain that is still there, will be done soon.
However, I have another problem. I jaw won't open. It sorta will but not good enough and it hurts like crapola. The doctor said to stetch it, massage it, and put warm towels on it. I'm stretching it like crazy because he said if I don't I could lose mobility in it and I'm not losing mobility in my jaw. Because at this rate, I will never get to bite into hamberger again.
Ok, do this, see how many fingers you fit in your mouth, like stack them up on each other vertically. Casey and Heather can do four, I can do two and it hurts!!!!!
To add to the fun of my pain, I had my first two capstone clinicals this past week: Monday 7p to 7a and Tuesday 7p to 7a (which got cut short) So yeh, staying up all night is not enjoyable. I was very confused. I slept during the day and went back at night and thought it was morning. Horrible! I have to do it agian too, eh, blah. Oh well, it's almost over.
This weekend has been fun, Friday Casey and I went to Culv's and the movie Failure to Launch which was good. She also forced me to watch Son in Law, and I actually loved it! Saturday we watched our WSU basketball boys win the NCAA division II national championship! It was amazing, I am so proud :) wowee.
Then, last night Kellie and Jill came and slept over, it was kinda a spur-of-the-moment thing. We went to Erbs and watched Potter IV. Today I showed them campus and Garvin Heights and we went to Culvs. I am so not going out for supper, too much lately!!! Me have no monies!!!!
So, the girls left and now I've been doing homework. At 6, I have a group meeting. What shall I do until then, hmmm, I could start some stuff due next week......nah.
Okay, love you all!!! Have a good week, it's almost April! Yay, summer is coming!
Love, Brianna
Me and a "Blue Man"
Mom and I at Wicked!
Mom and I and Lake Michigan
"That wasn't so bad!" Ha! Little did I know what was to come...
Stretch the jaw till you cry...it's the only way. I hope you dont remain a small mouth for the rest of your life. Pooh
It was fun this weekend!!! Woot woot!!!! Hope your dry socket gets better! Thanks for picking up my new computer. :( Hope you have a fabulous week and have fun up at the Hill...hahaha
Casey, why are you being anonymous? I had to think for like 5 hours about who you could possilbly be, hehehehe, hi-yah! Thanks for hanging with me all weekend, it was F-U-N, hey, I mean, I would do it.
Just in case you are unable to eat anything besides soup for the rest of your life, i think you should be a restraunt soup tester. Give ratings of the best soups haha. I hope you are able to open your mouth wider!
I am so mad at this puter. I slaved away on a commentand it wouldn't go through.I'll try this.
It worked.
What a windy girl.
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