Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Something er other and whatnot and so forth

Hello all. I am studying for a test that is tomorrow which I haven't really studied for until now, yikes. But, I need a break. So, I am inspired by Kelsey to tell you all about my clinical today. My story isn't crazy like hers, but it was fun.

Today was my first Pediatrics clinical. I got an eight year old girl. I won't tell ya much about her, since I'm not supposed to, other than that she was so cute and funny. The poor girl has been in the hospital so many times for a problem that will never go away for her, yet she was a happy child. She informed me that today is "opposite day" and she stuck to it. Everything I asked her she answered with the opposite answer of the truth and I fell for it like everytime. She thought she was pretty funny everytime she tricked me. I got to take her into the play room for awhile. She cannot walk right now, so I wheeled her over in her massive bed. We played a few games and colored. She watched Mulan and I learned from a nurse who was in the room when Mulan was on that Donny Osmand sings many of the songs on the movie. I thought that was a fun fact for the day; I never knew, and I always liked the Mulan songs. I thought of my aunt Jodi, cuz she really like Donny!!!

So, it was a successful first Peds clinical. It wasn't overly challenging, but it was good.
Hmm...what else can I say... Hmm..did I write about last weekend? Well, I shall briefly.

I cannot remember the order of the things I did, so I'll just list them:

*went to Walk the Line with cuzzin Megan, it was very good I thought
*made cookies
*helped Chris move to his new home
*went to Gav's b-ball game, they won!
*met with my preceptor at St. Mary's for my capstone and found out that the majority of my shifts will be overnights! wow.
*had a yummy breakfast at Canadian Honkers with mama.
*went to a marriage seminar with Chris, Kelsey, and Jeff, given by Les and Leslie Parrott; It was extremely good!!!
*went to the state gymnastics meet in St. Paul to see Kellie on vault and floor! good job cuzzin.
*went to sunday school and church
*ate lunch at the mall with the peeps (I saw Jenny and Gran, fun!)
*went to Ryan's b-day party for a while, then left to come back to Winona Sunday night

Now, I'm here and I want it to be the weekend. This weekend I'm going to be learning how to make lefse from scratch from Cozy and Whit with mom, whoot!

Ok, wish me luck on taking a test I know nothing for!

Sincerely, Brianna M. Hemmer


granny said...

Oh! Brinee you will ACE the thing. What a fun weekend for you. Good luck on the test.

Brianna said...

at first I thought you meant "forts" and I was really confused, really confused.