Thursday, March 16, 2006


First Name: Brianna
Single or Taken: Taken for life
Birthday: January 31st
Siblings: Brice: 19 and Gavin:15 (as of today!)
Eye color:Brown
What are you wearing right now: White fleece shirt with jeans that my gran hemmed for me!
Righty or lefty:Righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now:I really hope so.

Who are your five closest friends? Chris, Cara, Heather, Kelsey, and Casey, but this doesn't include my immediate family and my cousins!!! cuz they're my closest friends too!
Best place to go for a date: Anywhere with Chris

Favorite place to shop: I really don't know.
Favorite kind of pants: Jammies.
Color: blue and green
Animal: cute lil' monkeys like Curious George
Drink: Diet Coke
Sport(s):Gymnastics and Volleyball (to play that is)
Fast-Food Place:Culver’s...even though it's a step above :)
Month: June, cuz it's the start of summer, and I like summer. I also like October cuz it's pretty.
Movie:Oh man, I always say different ones on these survey thingies, so I dunno, I like a sing-a-long with Barney.
Favorite cartoon character(s): Tommy from Rugrats, Gretchen from Recess, Sponge Bob, Bugs Bunny, the Coyote, Garfield

Have you ever:
Smoked:ten packs a day, no not really. No, I've never tried it.
Made yourself throw-up:yes, by accident though. I was in elementary school probably and I was in our gargage and I had a rubber bracelet in my mouth and it gagged me and therefore....
Eaten a hot dog: what the heck is a hot dog
Put your tongue on a frozen pole? yes, I'm always tempted to do stupid things like that, but it never got stuck
Loved someone so much it made you cry? yes, like God, my family, and Chris
Broken a bone: no
Been in a police car: I think maybe at Sunset Terrace they had a cop car for us to sit in for fun.
Been on a plane:Yes
Been in a sauna:Yes
Been in a hot tub:Yes
Swam in the ocean: Yes, the Atlantic and Pacific. The Medditarranean Sea too, but I guess that's a sea huh.
Fallen asleep in school:Many times. I do the head bobbing thing a lot, but once in a while I do actually fall asleep
Ran away?No
Broken someone's heart? I think so, but its ok now
Fallen off your chair:I don't think so
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: No, but I've waited around for a call I knew I was getting for the first time from Chris
Saved e-mails:Yep, lots
Fallen for one of your best friends: Well, it's hard to say cuz I had already fallen for him at the same time we became best friends :) so I guess you could say yeh.
Used someone: Not in a mean way, no.
Been cheated on: nope

What is:
Your good luck charm? Don't have one, no charm is gonna bring you luck, duh.
Best song you ever heard: When I think about the Lord, MMMBop, etc.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Haha, just like Heather, but going to a class an hour late, thinking I was the only one on time.
What's your room like: Here in Roch, it's mostly square with a bed, dresser, shelf, book shelf, table and stereo in it with purple and greeen as the color theme.
Last thing you said: Good night mom, I love you.
What is beside you: Two old cans of Sierra Mist Free, an orange cup, a pen, and a list with some peep's addresses on it.
Last thing you ate? Three Hershey's Kissables
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Whatever I have
Best thing that has happened to you this year?: 2006? Oh man, I dunno, I guess every blessing and lesson that comes from God. Also, getitng sick for one day and missing a clinical was a highlight, no joke, slept all day.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Thinking about writing a resume and applying for jobs, I'm avoiding it like white on rice, except the opposite of that. Yeh, if you get that joke, you get 100 points, otherwise nevermind, hahah!

Have you had:
Chicken Pox:Yes
Sore Throat:Yes
Broken Nose:No

Do You:
Believe in love at first sight: nope, but I do believe in love!
Like picnics: yip yip
Like School: I don't like going to class, studying, or doing any type of work related to school. But looking back, I do like school and I do like to learn.

Would you/what is:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000?: not a chance, that's not even close to worth it
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? Really mean people who don't get along and fight all day as well as serial killers
Who was the last person that called you? Heather, calling me back.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Christopher Lewis of course!
What makes you smile?: Being loved by God and people in my life, when people fall, Chula Vista, my bed, diet coke in the morning, rainbows, green grass, little kids, snow, cheese.

Who is the last person:
You yelled at: I don't yell, I scream and through a fit
Who told you they loved you: Chris, than Momma
Who is your loudest friend? Bish, hands down! That's why she's Casey Bish and I love her! Chris can also be quite loud as well! Hehee (Arnold!!)

Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out:Yes, I often find myself chosing it over sleep.
Do you wear glasses or contacts: I wear them both at the same time, I like the dizzy feeling
Do you like yourself: yes, I know God planned me out how he wanted me to be, so I must respect that by liking myself
Do you get along with your family:yes indeedy
Obsessive? I'm obsessed with cheese. I eat it day and night with Heather, cuz she loves cheese too.
Compulsive? yes, i think of something and do it instantly (i.e. jumping off bridges, pushing others to the ground, buying houses here and there, betting on horse races...)
Suicidal?: No way Jose

Love Life:
Do you have a crush? I big fat crush
If so, do they know???? Well, he's marrying me, but I haven't told him I have a crush on him yet!
What is so great about them? Follows God and his personality and pretty brown eyes :) and everything

This or That:
Skiing or Boarding:I'd rather ski
Autumn or winter:Autumn
Silver or Gold:Gold
Diamond or pearls:Diamonds, but I love pearls too!
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up?:Sprite, but 7-up if I'm a sickie
Orange juice or apple juice:Apple
Cats or dogs: Um, it really depends on the cat or dog
Coffee or tea? Neither
Phone or in person:In person
Youngest or oldest? Um...what is this referring to??? I'm so confused..
Indoor or outdoor: Out if it's nice, in if it's 900 below zero

Final questions:
What are you listening to right now? The heater just kicked in and the sounds of my typing
What did you do yesterday: Went to Gran's house, had Chinese with them, went to get a present for Gav with Chris, ate supper with the fam, went to Erb's with Chris to work on a book we're going through.
Where do you want to get married? I'm getting married in the church I've always gone to this year!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I would wish to sing really well.
Are you a good driver?:Yeh, sure, I think so, I dont' speed.
Are you a good singer:eh, I can carry a tune, but I don't have much of a range, at church I either have to sing like man, or like Mariah Carey and her high notes, which I cannot do.
What did you dream about last night: It was bizzare. I was in line to do a floor routine for gymnastics and I had to pee very bad, so i did. Later, Chris went on a date with another girl, I thought it was strange, but I didn't get mad, but then she got mad at us that we were engaged so she left, wow.

The End!!!


granny said...

March 16. Why is this just showing up on my puter? It is March25. It was great tho.

Brianna said...

Yeh, I tried to post it on March 16th and it wouldn't work, then last night it decided to show up, hmm...