****Today I had lunch with my friend Casey. She is home from Garden City, Kansas where she is a teacher! She has to go back soon :( Casey is such a great listener. I find myself babbling and on because she listens so well :) She's always been one of those friends that you can talk to for hours :) Thanks for hangin' with me and Audrey and happily putting up with Audrey's mood swings.
****Audrey is 12 weeks now and she's one of the joys of my life. I adore being home with her and watching her learn and grow. There is nothing better! I love when we lock eyes and I talk to her and she makes cooing noises back to me and makes big eyes like she's excited that we're talking. I also love holding her my lap and reading to her. Sometimes she'll sit and stare for three or four books long, but then sometimes 1/2 a book is enough for her and she wants to wiggle on the floor. She can really hold her head plus her upper body up when she's on her tummy. Tomorrow we're getting her 3mo. picutres done at Target. She'll only be 3 days shy of 3 mo. I hope it goes well, this is our first time going to a studio with her. My goal is remain calm and enjoy the process even if she crys (I hope she doesn't!) I tried to plan it at a good time, but each day has its own good times and they're not always at the same time.
****I have to go to work on Monday, bah, let's not talk about that. I could blab on about all the things that bother me about that, but insted, here are the positive. I only have to work 2-3 evenings a week and every third weekend, I can help provide for our family, Chris gets to get to know Audrey better and to spend quality time with her by himself, I get to use my brain in a different way by critically thinking at work (I could do without this, haha), um, what else, hmm, other people get to spend time with her by watching her after I leave and before Chris gets home....Yeh there are good things, but I know I will be sitting at work thinking about what my sweethearts are doing at home and wishing I was there. I know Chris can do it! It will be fine :) Also, I can give glory to God by showing his love to my patients and caring for them and trying to be a positive co-worker. I'll do my bestest.
****Ok, I shall go! Audrey 's still sleeping and Chris is still gone. I hope he's not in the middle of some horribly stressful meeting or something! I'd like to have supper waiting, but I never know when he'll be home :)
****Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week! I'm excited for Jenny's shower on Saturday (my future sister-in-law) at her mom's house.
See ya!
Audrey in her exersaucer, she likes it a lot!
Chris made this happen :)
Snuggling with my sleeping girl
All ready for church and getting Daddy kisses
You are soooo blessed and I know that you know that. It will be very hard to leave Audrey but you have the right attitude. She is becoming her own person now and showing her personality which is so rewarding! I remember how my heart would swell to bursting with pride and joy. I can hear this in your comments. Love you Brianna. Wish you the best in going back to work. Please call me if you need me to help out.
It's all coming together sweetie. Love you, thanks for the lovely update and more pics of the precious one :)
Great blog. Love the pictures. Good luck at work. I hope the time goes fast so you can get home quickly to your fam.
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