Sunday, December 23, 2007

Worst night shift of my life and a runner up for the worst shift EVER

Hello all. I have a hypothetical 1/2 break, although I'm sure a call light will go on any second.

I have SIX patients since 11:00 last night. 3 are sleeping well for the most part. 2 are peeing on the hour every hour, I kid you not. And the remaining 1 is trying to jump out of his bed and pull out every tube and cord he has. Someone is sitting in with him, but it's no use, I'm in there constantly. I've given him many drugs designed to calm him, none work. We have restraints ready to go if he must be tied down.

My head is a fog and it's throbbing. I am nauseous and quite miserable feeling. The miserable feeling started at about 4:30. It's 5:30 and I just ate my first thing since 6:00 last night, wow, that's like 12 hours with no food, I guess that's not that impressive, but I've been active those 12 hours, so yeh, that explains the nausea.

2 hours left and many many pills left to give. I cannot give any until 6. The next nurse should relieve me around 7:15-30ish. That will be the happiest moment ever. Then I will go home and my bed will be like heaven and it will be the best feeling ever. Chris will be there and it'll be warm and cozy cozy cozy. Make it come sooner! In 3 hours, I'll be there.

Oh, there goes one of my lights, it's one of the pee-ers, jeesh, it's only been 45 mintues. Shoot me.

BYE!!!!! Sorry, I don't hate my job, I'm just so tired........


granny said...

I feel sorry for you. Put a cathatier in all the peeers and tie that other guy down. They better be nice to my granddaugther or I,ll give them all a hunk of coal for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for the rough night little girl, but right now as I'm typing, you are tucked warmly in your bed knowing that that dreaded shift is now past. Tonight will be better, you just wait and see

GOD BLESS THE "FLOOR NURSES" You are a gifted breed of nurses that work harder than any I know, and believe me....I know
Love you, hope to see you this afternoon after your beauty sleep.

Heather said...

You made it through the night Brianna! I hope you are still enjoying your warm bed because it is insanely cold outside. Tundra! Have a good today, and happy Christmas Eve Eve! :)

Brianna said...

Thanks Guys :)

Gran, I did want to put catheters in those ladies and we almost did tie that guy down!!!

Tonight will be better, how could it not be?

Anonymous said...

hey brianna - i feel bad; i didnt know the night was quite that bad for you. i knew it was bad, but i didn't know you felt like crap too! not that i would have been of much use, what with sitting in the ER and all. huh. anyway, hope you wont have anymore shifts like that for a long while! (and for the record, our momma's have the same birthdays too!)