Tuesday, June 12, 2012

40 Weeks and 3 Days

For anyone who wants to know....my appointment today revealed that I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. I have never been 'checked' before, so it's interesting to know these facts I guess. I feel like labor will be fast if I'm already this far?! I have an appointment next Monday to make sure there's enough fluid in there for the baby and that it's safe for him to stay in. If all looks well, they'll let me go until June 22nd. So, I guess I'll be induced on the 22nd unless the test on Monday doesn't look good or hopefully, I just have the baby before all of this!


granny said...

Oh for your sake let's hope you don't go that long. Little boy come out and give your mother a break.

Jen said...

Yeah! Progress is a good thing, even if you're not yet in "labor". Hope you get to meet him sooner than later:)

Jackie said...

I'm predicting this weekend!

Di said...

Its going to be soon!! I'm going to guess tomorrow (Thursday).

Funny story we were in the car and I was getting Zahra out of the carseat. She was acting like she was talking on the phone. She shhh'd me and said 'Mom quiet I am talking to Audrey!! Shhh!!'

Me & Z pray at night that Audrey will make a great transition into being a big sister~I'm sure she will