Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Too Awake To Sleep

I am blogging because I'm not tired.

It's 1:43am. I got home from my evening shift around 11:45p and I'm still wide awake. This is what usually happens after an eveing shift. It just takes a while for my brain to calm down after work I guess.

So, I peeked in on Audrey, gave Chris a back massage and tucked him in for the night (haha) and then I came downstairs to watch my recording of House, one of my favorite shows! Then I watched a bit of What Not to Wear. Finally, I checked all the things I check online, my email, facebook, and blogs. That took a good 1/2 hour. Now I sit here with nothing to do but go to bed. I can't stand the thought of lying there waiting to fall asleep, so I though maybe this would get my eyes sleepy.

I had a strange weekend. Usually my work weekend is Fri, Sat, Sun. But this time it was Sat, Sun, Mon. It's kinda a bummer because usally after those two loooooong 12 hour shifts, I get a break, but I had to come back in this evening. Saturday I had a busy day, it pretty much flew by. Sunday morning I was woken up @ 5:30a with a call from work. I had two thoughts before I picked up the phone: 1.Brianna, do you want an EA (excused absense=stay home) or 2. Brianna you're floating to 10-3 @ Methodist, sorry sorry sorry!!!! (this is ICU downstown to which we sometimes have to float if St. Mary's doesn't need us). Well, it was the latter. My charge nurse said when staffing told her I'd have to float there she said, "Really? Seriously, you want her to go there?" hahaha. So, yep, that's were I went.

We're a bit dramatic about floating to Methodist, like it's some horrible thing, but it's really not all that bad. Their unit is run similar to mine and I actually like it better than some ICUs in St. Mary's. It just takes a bit to orient yourself to another hospital. I had a nice assignment, almost too nice, I was extremely bored. I did all I could think to do, but my patient didn't need a whole lot. So, I watched the clock tick. After work I was meeting Audrey and Chris at Applebees for a late supper. Much to my surprise, Chris met me there without Audrey! Turns out, my parents had stopped over and told Chris to go alone and they'd hang with the baby girl. So, we had an impromptu date! Very fun!

Today I had a super lovely fast shift. It was my favorite kind of shift: I have one very sick, but generally stable patient. Lot's of things to keep track of and deal with. And, lots to learn. I love having one busy patient. One boring patient is, well, boring. Two busy patients is enough to drive me crazy and start looking at the job postings. But one busy-ish patient is just right. Enough stuff to do and I can focus all my energy on them and knowing all their business by heart! I can learn about what's going on with them, understand it and contribute to their plan of care. I hate when I'm so busy with 2 patients that it's all I can do to give them their meds on time. So, I'm blabbing, but yeh, it was a good shift.

Tomorrow....hmm...what shall I do. Groceries is one option and I dunno what else? Well, Chris and I shall watch Biggest Loser for sure, we love it. Then I watch American Idol which I will have taped so I can fast forward through annoying performances and judges who talk for too long :) Wed I work again and then I have 5 days off. I should really go make a grocery list right now, it's next to impossible to do in the morning with Audrey rummaging around the kitchen pulling the drawers apart :)

Oh, cute moment. This morning, I went to get her out of her crib, but I peeked at her for a while first, throught the crack in the door. She was standing up and pointing at different things in the room, pointing at the light, the windom, her toys.......it was so sweet, she just figured out recently how to point at things with her little pointer finger.

Ok, well that was a random blog for ya. I think I'm a teeny bit more tired. Shoot, it's 2am. If I go to bed now I'll get about 6 hrs of sleep max if I'm lucky.



granny said...

What a great blog. It was very intersting.Sorry you can't fall asleep fast.

Megan said...

That's a nice blog Brie! You know what you might try doing on those nights that you can't sleep? Go to Target in the vitamin aisle and get yourself some melatonin. It's all natural and you can't get addicted to it...it'll help you fall asleep and stay asleep. I usually take about 1/2 a pill when i can't sleep and then it puts me right out. Takes about 15-20 min to kick in..but drink some water and just close your eyes. works like a charm. (and it's safe!)

I try NOT to use it if i don't have to, but it's nice to have around for those nights that i just really want to get some sleep. or NEED sleep. You just have to make sure you'll get like 8 hours if you take a whole pill, otherwise you'll be groggy. (that's why i go with half!) Ok. anyway...
i liked your blog. it was fun to read about you. one of these days..maybe...i'll write an interesting blog. we'll see. love yoU! can't wait to see yoU!

Heather said...

Hey I'm off today too...I just finished my online CPR training. I'm guessing its too late to have lunch with you and Audrey, enjoy your day off. And I had been sleeping for 3 hours when you started your blog...and woke up 3.5 hours later.

Jackie said...

I could never fall asleep after I got home from an evening shift, so I feel your pain. Except it's not really pain, it's kinda nice to have that alone time. It's just thinking about how you will be up in a few hours...that's no fun.
ps, I was still looking at the clock at 02:30...you shoulda called me :)