Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Can't Keep Up With Her!

Look at this sweet face. This tiny princess would never disobey Mama or dig in cupboards or play with outlets would she?.............

Or maybe she does look a little sneaky. I see mischief in her eyes.......

Yep, she's trouble. Well, more like just incredibly curious.
(PS: don't judge my lacy curtains, they're 80s, but hey they came with the place)

I turned my back for one second and there go my pajamas.
Oh fun, dish towels!

Plastic bags are the best!
"Pans are ok right Mom?"

"Look what I figured out!"

So, it's busy around this house, trying to keep up with Audrey. I have really loved watching her this month, her 11th month, she's grown into a little explorer. Now that she's an expert walker she's moved on to discovering everything around her. She opens every drawer, shuts doors, leaves the room for another room without us with her, and she loves to point. She points at pictures, trees, toys, everything she sees she points at. It's so neat to see her mind grow and change. There are some No-Nos though. The cd holder thingy, the TV, and the stereo are NO! I wish they were up off the groud so she wasn't tempted by them, but it's the best we can do. Generally she listens, but not always. Sigh, it's hard work, but I love her so much.

She also started her version of dancing this week. When music comes on and we prompt her to do it, she bend her knees up and down and smiles :) She loves to play peek-a-boo and "I'm gonna get you" games! She laughs or screams and tries to run away. She's also eating more finger foods. Yesterday she had noodles, oranges, cheese, and beans! So, there's a little update on my busy girl!


Cindy's Closet said...

Too Sweet for Words. It's great to see her growing so healthy and happy. Thanks for the update!

Jackie said...

Love love love the blog. Great pictures, and story-telling. She is so stinking curious but wayyyyy cuter, and such a good girl. I Love that little one. Get you running shoes on Brie...It's only just begun.

Anonymous said...

Cute Brianna... Keep up the blogs...and get them plastic bags out of reach...Unclerick

granny said...

What a little explorer. A lot of fun. She will keep you on your toes.

Megan said...

that's so cute Brie. I love watching her grow through blogs...i wish i could see her more, but any updates i can get are great! She's so sweet. thanks for the blog. I miss you!