Don't get me wrong, I love my life here in my lovely townhome with my baby girl, but the winter days have become a bit blah. So, Audrey and I frequently visit the mall for something to do.
Somtimes we go alone. We do a lot of walking and shopping if Audrey can tolerate it. I can walk the whole mall, going around each edge, around all the nooks and crannies in 9 minutes. You'd think it would take longer, but it only takes 9 mintues if you power walk. I see lots of other moms doing the same thing as me, but some have double stollers! I've visited the baby section of each department store which has reminded me of when Brice and I were little ane we got to ride the elevator up to the kid's sections in places like Sears with Mom.
Sometimes we go with friends! Lately, my partner in crime is a fellow mother and friend, Kelsey! She also understands the winter days, but she has a toddler and a baby! Our routine is lunch in the foodcourt, however much walking the babies will tolerate, and then off to the playland.
The playland is becomming a common thing now, but not so long ago it wasn't really an option for Audrey. Now that's she's walking around she really loves playing in there! I get a bit nervous and I cannot fully relax like the mothers of the bigger kids because my baby is the little tiny one walking into dangerous situations. For example, 5 preschoolers are jumping something repeatedly and Audrey wants to stand right were they are jumping. They are oblivious to her so I have to run to her rescue.
Mostly though it's just a lot of fun to watch my tiny girl toddle around, exploring everything in her sight, and interacting with other kids. Each time we've gone there's one or more older kids that take a large interest in Audrey, or as they say, "the baby". They come up to her and hug her, pet her hair, guide her to a toy, help her walk, help her up if she falls, and talk to her. Some mothers say, "don't touch the baby honey" and some just let their kids play with Audrey. Audrey just stares up at them and doesn't seem to mind. It's funny to me how Audrey is a baby to a child of any age, as long as they can say the word baby. Today there was a little girl about 13-14 mo old pointing to Audrey and saying, "baby, baby!" And she's only a few months older than Audrey!
So, sometimes I get a bit tired of going to the mall, but I am grateful that it's always there for us, a place to go and get out of the house. However, I cannot cannot wait for summer! Parks and walks and so many more places we can go!
Here are some pics from one day at the mall playland :)
Audrey making happy baby noises
Heather came along this day and held baby Sammy for a while, Kelsey is with David, and then of course you know me and Audrey :)
Audrey always goes to the duckie.
Playing in the canoe with her buddy David.
Another favorite spot to play. Note the girl in the backgroud. This was the girl that day that took a great interest in Audrey and followed her around.
And that friends, is my blog about the mall.
PS: Pretty sure my mom took me to the mall when I was a baby too :)
Nice to have a place to go for fun. You know that if you get bored going there you can always come to granny's house. Audrey would have a lot of places to explore.
Awww..what a nice Blog Brianna. I totally know how you feel about feeling like a hamster. It's hard to just do the same things over and over and not be able to explore the outdoors. no one (except yer mom) likes winter and the constant snow, ice, and cold. Spring fever has sprung. I guess it'll be nice enough to stroll outside, soon enough. Hang in there Cuzzin. You can do it!
I also like outings in the winter...the same old same old and being trapped inside stinks. Thanks for inviting me along with the kiddies...3 kids, 3 adults. :)
Pretty soon she'll be the one saying "baby". Audrey is such a sweetie, all the kids want to be her friend. Winter's almost over...soon you'll be chasing little one all around the great outdoors.
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