Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Reflection of Father's Day and Then Some Random Blabbering.

Here are some pics from the past weekend. These are from Father's Day!

Me and my father.

Pa, Chris, and Brice

Me and my 19 year old cuzzin Kellie Christine

Chris and Dad, teammates for this cool wood game that Brice taught us.

Me and my brother/teammate for the wooden game, we lost, sad day, but we're still able to do weird dance movements.
Well there ya have it. It's nice to have a fun day thrown in there with all the difficult days of orientation. This week, I am working allllll week, it's hard, lemme tell ya. Today I left feeling dizzy, exhausted, and with a pounding headache. Perhaps I was hypovolemic and hypoglycemic. I bet my blood sugar was like 50 and my heart rate was racing, heehee. Anywwaaayyssss...Now I am home, layed on the couch for an hour, took advil, and ate some food. I am NOT studying tonight, I will not. But I do have my EKG test-out on Tuesday, so eventually I will have to get my butt in gear. Although I have been studying so it's kinda already in gear, just not today. I play volleyball tonight @ 8p, kinda late huh.
Soon Chris and I are going to Tinns, I have a buy one get one free, which is why we're doing it! This is all way outta order, chronilogically speaking, but today on my break I went and visited my old ortho. floor I saw many peeps I worked with and it was very nice to see them. I talked to Anne for a while (hi Anne!) and she said I should my blog, so here I am. I also had a lil' eval. review with my old manager. Today was also my Week 4 review with my preceptor/nurse educator. Apparently I am where I need to be at week 4, but by Week 8, there shall be much more expected of me and by Week 12, I must be a genious.
Ok, that's all for now folks. I am excited for the end of August and that's all I have to say. Wish me luck, I'm just trying to block the continual "I wanna quit" thoughts from my head. I can do it, right?! MMMkay....bye friends.


Jackie said...

Oh little one, you are doing such a goodjob of learning new things. You will be an excellent ICU nurse. Hang in there,Dont be wishing your summer away...try to enjoy everyday as it comes. We're very proud of you !!!

Heather said...

Good luck at becoming a genious! Haha, you'll learn everything you need to know slowly so I wouldn't worry too much and take it one day at a time. We don't want Brianna's head exploding! hehe Miss you friend..oh and its sunny and 75 right now. :)

Cara said...

YOu can do it you can do it! Thats what you must keep telling yourself...i have to...I understand the head exploding thing...But i'm very proud of you for doing what your doing!!! Your a smarty pants...I hope i as smart as you some day ;) I will see you in just oh 1 short week! I believe in approx. 8 days! Can hardly wait!!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I love that wood fun fun...hehe

Miss you!

Casey said...

I enjoy the count hits...when I started my adventure this morning you were at something 20 NOW you are at something 25...hehe...the back button is fun!