Sunday, August 12, 2007

Just Watching....all night long.

Hello all..

It's so hard for me to remember where I left off on my blog and what has happened since.

So, I'll just start with today and go backwards from there.

Currently I am sitting on a computer (one that can be wheeled around) at work. I am in a 1:1 room, meaning, one patient, one nurse, which means I watch this patient all night long. First I started out in the room with her, but she wouldn't sleep (I'm working an overnight) She just started at me, akward and strange. And she kept saying things like, "Maam, do you need more light?" And I'm like, "No, you can sleep now." Hahaha. So, I wheeled the chair and computer out to the doorway and I can see her just fine from here, but I dont' think she knows I'm watching her. She's finally sleeping at 1:30am. But it just figured, the second I moved out here, she started climbing out of bed! I rescued her in time, but I'm keeping a very close eye on her. I feel useless though. I sit here emailing and blogging while the other nurses have 5 patients each and are running around. But I have to watch her and nothing else. So, I have about 6 hours left of watching. Apparently at 3:30am , someone is coming to sit here while I get a half hour break, pretty cool. He's a guy not from out floor, he just goes around and watches people so we can have a break, sounds good to me. I'm gonna go sit in the cafeteria and have a pop and popcorn maybe.

Earlier today, my dad and I had lunch at Erb's and I hung out at my parent's house for a bit while Chris was at work. Later, Chris and I made hambergers on the grill and ate before I went to work at 7:00pm. Mom took Gavin into the ER tonight for a possible ear infection and they came up and saw me!!! I was so excited! It's cool to have them up here and Gavin had never seen where I work, so it's fun! But my lady was getting frisky so they had to leave so I could keep a very close eye on her. My poor baby brother, I hope he feels better soon!

Chris and I had Laura (Chris' little sister) and her friend Kodie (a girl) over at our place this week from Tues evening to Thurs evening. It was fun. They are some goofy 12 year olds, lemme tell ya. They are sweethearts and it was fun to hang out with them. Chris brought them to our place on Tues. when I was at work. They hung out and then we played a game when I got home from work. On Wed. I worked a day, so Chris entertained them. They did all sorts of things, but the funniest is that they all went to the mall. Chris realized this was a mistake. They drove him nuts, they wanted to look at all the clothes, shoes, and of course, Bath & Body Works, and Chris wasn't about to set foot in that store. The girls do a funny impression of Chris when he was trying to ignore they're girly squeels over cute clothes. So, later, Chris had to go to work, so I took them back to the mall. We spent a good chunk of time in B&B Works, hehehe. Althought I must admit, it's hard to have patience when they want to look at every single shoe store. They're obsessed with Heelies, those shoes with the wheels. WOW, obsessed.
On Thursday we took them to Chester Woods to go swimming. I swam with them for a while and we had a little picnic there too. We took them back home later that day. It was lots of fun to have them over :)

Oh what else.....last night Chris and I went to Rush Hour 3, it was acutally really really funny, I laughted a lot. I surprised myself by liking it so much. But man, for a 9:55pm movie, that place was packed! Wow. I guess we do need a new theatre!

I'm very excited, not tomorrow, but next Sunday, we're leaving for Pine Haven, camp!!! I'm so excited to show Chris around a place that means so much to me. Brice and Jenny might come up for a couple days, so that's cool. Not everyone will be there cuz Kellie is going to be moving into her dorm at Winona State and Julie's going with her, so just Brad and Jill are coming, but at least the two are them are! Gavin can't come because football starts :( But it shall be fun. I'm also looking forward to 9 days off from work, glorious!!!

Welp, my eyes are getting blurry, so I better end this! You may hear more from me tomorrow when I'm here again overnight! Ahhhh..

Love ya all!!!

Love, Brie


granny said...

Tie that lady down and run up and down the halls and HOLLA.

Megan said...

I miss camp. a lot. I wish we could rewing 7 years or so for like a week and go enjoy camp like we used to. I really miss those times we had together. Some of the best times of my life, Brie. Thank you for opening me up to that world 12 or 13 years ago! (yeah, we were 10 weren't we!!) anyway, Just thought i would say i am so proud of who you have become all these years later. I love you so much.
thanks for the updates.


Unknown said...

ohh what a sweet girl you are honey :) I'm glad that you liked the movie so much and I'm glad that we were able to go to the movie together. Love you, love you :)

Jackie said...

That lady was a psycho. But I did witness you in action. You responded like a bass on a minnow when that lady got out of bed. Way to be a good "watcher" I hope Sunday night is a good one at Methodist. Yikes, did you find the parking lot?

Brianna said...

lol Mom. Yes I am a bass on a minnow