Monday, August 13, 2007

Getting So Tired

I'm sure you all love my overnight at work blogs.

I'll try not to whine, but lemme just say these last three hours are awful. It's like a constant fighting to stay awake and alert. I'm just so incredibly tired. My 3 patients are sleeping and I don't have any medications to give until 6:00, so assuming they all sleep until then, I have nothing to do for 2 hours.

I had to float to Methodist Hospital for the first time today. I was there, on their orthopedics floor from 7-11pm, then back to my floor for 8 more hours. Kelsey works at Methodist and is working the night tonight as well, so we had din din together at Jimmy Johns before work! It was fun! Then, on my way out of Methodist to come back to St. Mary's, I stopped on her floor and saw where she works. That was cool.

I didn't do much today. I slept from 8am to 2pm. I was gonna let myself sleep until 3, but I woke up at 2 pretty wide awake, so I got up. I watched Top Model for an hour and then went on a long walk. I also had breakfast/lunch or whatever ya call it. Then I got a call telling me to go to Methodist and I was kinda mad, but it was fine after all. Then I pretty much left for work. Now, I just wanna sleep. At about 3:00, another nurse and I went down to the cafeteria, it's open from 2-4am. I got rice because it just looked good and it was! I also got 100cal pack cheese nips, yum yum. And, a fountain pop. It's nice to get off the floor, but it's not really much of a break, I wish we could have a little break overnights. Some floors do that, but we don't really. When you think about it, you don't work as hard overnight, so people would think we don't need a break, but it's just to nice to leave the floor and see something different.

I dunno what I shall do today. First, I shall sleep, then I might call up Kellie and Jill and see if they wanna hang out! Acutally they said to call them, cuz they don't wanna interrupt my day sleep, heehee. I gotta see Kellie ASAP, cuz she's about to leave for Winona State! I have Tuesday off, but work wed-fri day shifts. Then I have 9 days off to go to the greatest place ever: Pine Haven Christian Assembly, which is affectionately called just "Camp" by all those who know and love it too. I can't wait to see it, smell it, and walk around it and show it to Chris! I can't wait to sit on the dock and see the lake and swim and sit in the lodge and play teather ball and feed the fish and bum around the dining hall and everything else.

I just love camp, there's just so many memories there. I started going to camp when I was in my mom's tummy and I just haven't stopped since. I went as a camper for 8 years in a row and then once again later in each summer for Meadow Park week. Both of these weeks have a very different feel to them, but both are great! Going to camp as a kid with Megan was so much fun! I'm so glad we got to do that. I envision my own kids going to camp someday. It's just such a good feeling to be there, it's so calm and pretty. I also love Park Rapids, the closest town. It's one of those old fashioned feeling towns, with one main street with little shops. Every year it's the thing to do to go see your favorite shops. There are 2 candy shops and a bunch of little fun trinkety shops too. And then there's the restaurants you have to go to as well. There is also another town nearby callet Dorset. I love Dorset too. This little town reminds me of my friend Brita because her cabin, which I got to stay at a few times, is up north by camp too, and she always took me to Dorset to the Mexican restaurant and the icecream store! Okay, I'll stop, but you must understand my love of camp and I know some of you do, cuz ya been there!

Well, it's almost 5:00 now, sigh, what to do.......

Chris worked at the north and the south Culver's today. They are having him do both stores for now. He's liking the south store so far, so that's good. Neither of us could go to Sam and Jensen's b-day party today :( Sad day, I don't like missing it! Sam turned 9 and Jensen 5!!! I remember when I heard the news that each of them were born. I was acutally at camp when Sam was born and I got to see Jensen the day after she was born in the hospital! Now they're so big and still cuties.

Okay, I'm out of things to blab about.
I'm listening to Delilah on 105.3 right now. A guy just called in that lost his wife 2 years ago, so sad, he said, "I made the living and she made living worthwhile" how sweet. I can't imagine losing your spouse... or any family member for that matter. I have been so lucky and blessed!

Good night all, wish me luck on my last 2.5 hours. Actually by the time you read this I will most likely be home in my bed all warm and cozy, can't wait!!!!!!!

Love, Brianna Marie Lewis


Heather said...

Yay you made it through the dreaded night shift! I heart rice as well, such a simple food but delicious. Thats cool that you and Kelsey were working so close to each other, i've never been to Jimmy Johns. Hmmm.. I shall see you soon!

Jackie said...

I'm glad it all worked out at Methodist. EEP