Sunday, March 04, 2007

At Work

Hello all. I am in the midst of my 1st of 12 hour weekend overnights. I only do this once every 6 weeks (I know Casey, you think it's every week) Tonight is differnt though, I'm in a close observation room. Basically I sit in this one room all night long and watch 2 ladies. They tend to want to just jump out of bed, in which case they would fall, so I make sure they don't. So far they've been sleeping. It's 2:09am and I've been in here since 11:30. It's an easier job than having 4-5 regular patients, but it's hard in the sense that I sit in one room for eight hours, possibly not doing much at all. Luckily however, the tv has video on demand. I just finished wathcing She's the Man, which was really funny, and now I'm watching Red Eye, which I've seen before and is creepy. I figure I'll stay awake better if I watch a scary movie. My ladies are both snoring, dahhhhh. I have a pill to give at 3 and another at 7, and that's all that's planned. But more things will happen, for instance, they'll have to go to the bathroom and I'll help them turn into a new position in a few hours so they don't sleep on their backs all night. And, that's about it. Ahhhhh, I cannot wait to go home, hug Chris goodbye (cuz he'll go to church) and then get my jammies on and sleep for a while. Hehehe, both my ladies just let out a big snore at the same time and then stopped, ahhhhh, silence.

Today I was lazy. I tried to sleep in as long as possible, so I could stay awake overnight, and I managed to sleep until 11:30. Then I watched tv until 3:00, seriously. I watched like three back to back America's Next Top Model and gymnastics, yes, my favorite sport made a rare televised appearance. It was the American Cup and whaddya know, 2 American's won, yessssss. At 3, Chris and I went to Wendy's for a lil' snack. Then he left for work and I had supper with Mom and Dad. And then I came here, to work!

Man, I am getting really tired. I've already had 3 pops, raisons, cheese, and such. Pop doesn't help, oh well. I could jog in place I guess.

I hope you all are enjoying your sleeping. See ya later alligators. rrrrarrrr.

~Brianna, the night nurse, mauahahah.


Megan said...

oh poor cuzzin...I think that you should read a book while you are at work. or do the crosswords on those are fun. SO there you have it. Something to keep you busy!

Let's do lunch soon. Before i move.

Christoph's Czarbach said...

aww, what a sleepy girl you were! But, now you are awake with the rest of the world, congratualations!

Jackie said...

One night to go, you can do it :)

i hope tonight is a good night and that you can stay awake.

Heather said...

Turns out you only had to do one all nighter this weekend! Woot!

Anonymous said...

I told you it was like all the time!!!! Hope you were able to stay awake!!! Hopefully I will see ya soon!

Anonymous said...

hi Brie! What are you doin now? you no update for me! SAD... I wanna lil' baby dog...

Heather said...

You've passed the two weeks without updating your blog limit. You obviously havent read the blogging contract: "one must update their blog at least once every 2 weeks in order to keep their readers interested and entertained."