Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Best Day Ever At Work!!!

Hello all.

Well, this is amusing. I am at work. Normally work is terror, psychotic, and chaotic. There are two halls to my orthopedic floor. I am on the smaller side today. There is me, one other nurse, and the secretary. There are only 5 patients! Hahahah. This is amusing. The other side has about 6 nurses and about 18 patients. Therefore, today, I am fortunate. My head has not hurt even once today. I have been plesantly busy and occupied. As opposed to yesterday (I was on the busy hall side) when I thought my head was going to explode off my body and I have to just keep telling myself it'll get better and to suck it up and keep pushin' on.

I had 3 patients this morning, but one left, yipee, it's a good feeling when someone leaves, like you've completed something important. My patients that are left are so nice and sweet today. They are pretty comfy and happy. Wow, if only everyday was like this.

The secretary is playing Mah Jong on the computer and I'm blogging. Anyone who comes over here is like, um, wow, are you guys having fun or what?

Trust me though, I did many things before I resorted to blogging. I organized some drawers at the desk and made a little handy sheet of phone numbers and stuck them on the back of my badge: i.e. the pharmacy, the medical doctors, the catheter team, etc. Now I don't have to look all over tarnation to find the phone # I need. I also memorized the Joseph and Alfred numbers (those are the two halls I work on) But... not for long. We're getting a brand new, never used, still in construction floor on Mary Bright 8 in February! Our current unit will be "gutted out" and updated big time!! It will eventually be a new 2nd orthopedic floor. Right now our rooms are soo soo small. Orthopedics involves a lot of moving people and you need a lot of room for that. I knock stuff off trays and such daily with my hip, butt, hand, head, you name it. There's just not enough room! That's why we're all so excited for the huge rooms our patients are going to have in Mary Brigh, as well as plasma TVs, personal fridges, a couch, and ROOM TO MOVE AROUND!!!! YES!

Ok, enough about that. Also, today when the other nurse went on break, I was all alone on the Alfred side. Just me and 5 patients. hahahha. I felt so responsible! Nothing eventful happened. But I felt in charge, cooooool.
Okay, better do find something else to do, oh I see another drawer I can organize.

Bye y'alls.
Thanks for reading about my day's work :)



Heather said...

Thanks for sharing about your working experiences. Im glad your head hasnt felt like exploding today, thats always a good thing. Keep up the good work as a nurse, you are my hero!

Anonymous said...

Every good nurse deserves a quiet day....that's what keeps us somewhat sane. I'm sooooo proud of you for being all "in charge" when you were on the floor alone.
You neva tole me yo da charge lady.

Cindy's Closet said...

Cool! You are amazing Brianna! Bet ya wish it was that calm every day huh?

Anonymous said...

hmmm...special...I hope my nurses are more interested in making sure I am okay instead of blogging...haha...just playin!!!! Hope you are having a great week!!!

Christoph's Czarbach said...

sweet day babe :) I love you

Brianna said...

Casey, if you were my patient I would just sit in your room all day and chit-chat, heehee.

Why you no got no blog no more?