Hello. I just thought I'd give you all a quick update on my life.
I graduated last Saturday. It was fun. weird though. The ceremony was long and boring. I was entertained by my fam/friends doing strange things in the audience. Afterwards was fun. We all met at the clock in the center of campus and took pictures. Everyone was there, Mom, Dad, Brice, Gavin, both sets of grandparents, Susan, Megan, Cara, Kels, Casey, Heather, and Chris :) It was lots of fun. We all went to Culver's and had lunch or supper whichever that was. I got nice presents/$/cards from the lovely people in my life. Thank you everyone!
Now this week you'd think I'd be free, but I am not. I have my Kaplan class this week, which is a class that help us prepare for the NCLEX, my nursing boards. I actually need to be studying right now, ugh, it's very hard to do, but I have to, blah. I have class until next Wed. but I'm checking outta East Lake tomorrow, so I'll have to drive to Winona Mon-Wed.
This is my last night here and I am officially on my own. My roomies both checked out today :(
Pretty much right after Heather left water was spurting out of this thing outside my window and there were no people there. I'm talking tons of water just shooting out onto the sidewalk and grass, then the fire alarm goes off, then stops, then goes off. So, I left my room and so did our building's RA, Collette. We went downstairs and this guy told us they were just testing the alarms, jeesh. It was then that we realized it is just Collete and I left here in this big building. So, pretty much she's stuck here because of me! Ha! JK. She has to check each of us out to make sure we cleaned everything to death. I see spots on my wall, I gotta scrub them off! poo.
Yesterday the three of us cleaned like crazy. All I have left to clean is my own room and the shower. I also have to vacuum one last time. I have class 8:30-12 tomorrow then I go! Whoot. Then I get to study all weekend!
Welp, I better go start reading up on stuff. Wish me luck.
Oh, I should also announce in case there are people who don't know, that I got a job! However, I cannot start my job until I pass the NCLEX, so if I do, I will be starting June 26th. I'm on an orthopedics floor at St. Mary's, can you believe that? It's crazy. I've always wanted to work there, since as far back as I can remember, it's strange that it's so close now. Whew, I'm just glad I don't have to do another interview.
Mmmkay, everyone have a good day. Congrats to my fellow graduates and to everyone else who finished another year of school!
Love ya all, Love, Brianna
PS: I just realized I'm not on summer vacation, I'm on.....well, I guess I'm in the "real world" now or something, heehee.