Monday, March 28, 2005

Whooooo, it's Spring

Hey everybody, look, I'm updating!!! I usually only do this at work, when I didn't bring anything to do and I'm just sitting here. So, that is the case, so here I am. Today is a beautiful day. I love it when I can wear flip flops :) Also, Kelsey and I brought the bikes outta hibernation today, fun fun. My Easter weekend was a blast, well it started off very boring and mostly consisted of me, alone in the apartment, trying to do homework. This did not work at all, so I finally just went home. I couldn't do homework there either so I went to Baker's Square with Heather and our good friend Meghan Finn who we hardly ever get to see. But just like always we had lots of fun talking and catching up with her. It was so fun to see you Meg! Good luck with that fancy job of yours, whoo. Then, Chris came over to my house after work and we colored eggs. My mom left some for us and he'd never done it before, so it was fun. He did a good job, heehee. Easter morning we found the eggs that we colored and found our easter baskets. I got fun stuff. I've decided there is no harm in finding Easter eggs even if you are 21. I suppose I will stop once I've graduated from college. Papa made french toast, yummy. And then we all went to church which we have at the civic center on Easter, which is awesome, I loved it. Chris came over and we played basketball with Gavin, that child is so big now, I have no chance! Then mom made a super awesome meal and that was lovely. Thanks mom!!!! Then my day was cut a little short and I kinda had to rush back to school to take an online test with a group. But overall it was a really fun day, but mostly because it's the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. How wonderful and amazing that he saved us by dying, but then came back to life, so the God we worship is alive! I love you Jesus, thank you!!!
I hope you all had a good Easter as well!!!! I am coming back to Rochester tomorrow for a group interview at Sunrise Cottages, which is an assissted living sorta place by my house. I haven't had an interview since 2001! Well, I think I shall go before this gets too long to read. Love ya all, have a good day!!!! Go play outside! Love, Brianna


jackie lea said...

Is this a scary interview? Like one you will get nervous for? Tell us more, Brie! More!

Brianna said...

gee thanks kels

Brianna said...

whatev, I just commented in yours kels