Monday, March 07, 2005

Welcome to the darkness

Hi, I switched my color to the black one as you can see. I have to change my backgroud pretty often since I get bored with it. This week is craziness and business, but if I do what I should, it should work out. I have hospital clinicals this week which I haven't had since early December. Then it is Spring break and I get to relax just a little maybe and sleep in and see everybody from the homeland of Rochie-ville. Heehee, I'm at work and a boy is swaying in his chair, he's like dancing almost, funny. Well in a silent room of people taking tests and staring at computers, a thing like someway dancing in their chair is pretty funny. Oh fun, someone's cell phone just went off and it was the Mario song, from the first nintendo, nice. Do do do do dododo, do do do. Hey, Century Marching Panthers (i.e. Heather/Meghan) remember the song that sounded like the second level of Mario? I think it was a pep band song. heehee. I loved that part. Oh that just reminds me of band and all the craziness of it. Remember the joy of taking attendance......X, here, Y, here, Z...... (someone talks in backgroud) OOOOOOOO!, we're starting over at A! What a splendid use of time. heheh sorry, that probably made no sense to a lot of people, but whatev. deal with it. MUAHAHAHAHAH. Playin'

WOwee, was yesterday a splendiferous day or what? Wow, I had to prolong studying twice to go outside. I walked first, then decided it was very necessary that I try out my new rollerblades and go around the lake. They go so smooth and fast, whew, fun. I would have practiced my amazing jumping and twisting skills, but I didn't wanna be a show off, muahahah. Then I decided to study finally and it was hard and I had to take like 500 naps becuase I cannot stay awake ever. News flash- turns out that the nintendo ringing cell phone didn't belong to anyone in here and a girl just came to ask if we had found her cell phone, turns out it was hers, so girl and cell phone reunite. Well I suppose I have nothing else to say except I cannot wait for nice weather and more opportunities for flip flops like yesterday. So, I shall go back to reading about wound care....ahhhh, nothing like a chapter full of pictures of pressure ulcers.

I hope you all have a very wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.

Sincerely, Brianna M. Hemmer

PS: To Cara Marie: I am the worst friend alive, I do love you, and I will call! (are you coming home next week at all?)


Anonymous said...

It's okay! Not like i've been much better! My spring break is March 17th to the mon. after easter. So a week from this comming fri. But your more than welcome to come see me i'm done with classes by 10 most days! Love ya!

jackie lea said...

Brianna, I saw your family this weekend, and Gavy was kinda crabby (but of COURSE still ADORABLE) ... hope you're doing well! Love you, Brie!

Heather said...

Wow took i think this post has been up for awhile and im am just now reading it all the way through. I think the blackness was a little overwhelming. I loled at the band attendance times in band thats for sure. Oh and Eric has the Nintendo phone ring as well its pretty cool! And i also remember the band song with that in it, if only i could remember the name of the song..hmm.. ok well so long my friend!

Megan said...